Home Composting Made Easy (TreeHugger)
Interesting method of composting kitchen scraps. Makes me want to build that kiln, start digging clay and build a potters wheel. After the heat breaks I may just do so. Been wanting to/talking about it for years and at this age if I’m gonna I best get started.
Absolute Home
Think I will give this a try on an old machine and see how it does. Still waiting on the spirit to move me to reinstall/repair the PCLOS install on my main linux machine but with the heat making outside or anywhere except in airconditioning unavailable to me, may take a while tomorrow afternoon and play with another os/machine.
EcoGeek of the Week: Ron Hochstetler on Airships (TreeHugger)
Interesting read. I think that airships (using todays materials technology and a nonflammable gas for lift) are a viable alternative to conventional transport. And they don’t require roads or tracks to get the product/passengers to the destination. Cool stuff!
Boing Boing: Boycott Regal Cinemas for suing over 20-second clip
AMEN! And then fire the management after requiring them to publicly apologize! This is total and absolute bullsh!t…