Photos: The one-of-a-kind wooden bicycle | CNET

By , August 15, 2007 10:36 pm

Photos: The one-of-a-kind wooden bicycle | CNET

One totally cool bike for 2!

Too hot out

By , August 15, 2007 4:48 pm

But starting the cool down for the day. High here was 107.1 F at about 4:10 pm. Tis 4:41 pm now and has cooled to 104.7 F. I ain’t going out till it drops below a hundred. Just way too hot for me right now.

Worked over at the store trailer till noon sorting and alphabetizing books. The progress is slow but I am trying to get 2 or 3 hours a day in over there doing something. Will try going over later and seeing how hot it is at least. Not sure that I’m gonna do any more over there today though. Suspect I need to get up at or before daybreak and work till noon to get more done.

Course tomorrow is a yard sale day so will be over there with that. Doubt that we will have many if any customers but we did saturday even as hot as it was. Figure we will close it down at about noon. Just way too hot in the pm.

Cheaper Than Gas: Paper Stirling Engine Runs Off Hot Coffee – Gizmodo

By , August 15, 2007 4:33 pm

Cheaper Than Gas: Paper Stirling Engine Runs Off Hot Coffee – Gizmodo

Neat! Not gonna get one at that price but still an interesting concept.

The Homemade Homemaker | Consumer and ethical living | Life and Health

By , August 15, 2007 3:43 pm

The Homemade Homemaker | Consumer and ethical living | Life and Health

Link found via Treehugger.

Boing Boing: George Orwell on getting shot

By , August 15, 2007 3:40 pm

Boing Boing: George Orwell on getting shot

Interesting bit by the author of 1984 on what its like to get shot. Good reading.

BOFH: Damsels in distress | The Register

By , August 15, 2007 3:18 pm

BOFH: Damsels in distress | The Register

Better late than never I guess. Just noticed I had failed to post that the latest BOFH was at the Register.

General Strike: 9/11/07

By , August 15, 2007 3:16 pm

General Strike: 9/11/07

As I said in the last post, I’m up for it. The way the US government has ridden roughshod over we the people the last few years has got to STOP one way or the other. And 9/11 seems to me the best day to get the point across. Though I doubt the idiot in charge will notice. Kinda harks back to Nero fiddling as Rome burned down around him, doncha think…

General Strike for Peace

By , August 15, 2007 3:11 pm

General Strike for Peace

I’m up for both this one on Sept 21 2007 and the one on Sept 11 2007 (will post url and such on it in a minute) both. Wish they had worked together and set a common day but will put them both on the calender.

Requiem for a legal disaster: a retrospective analysis of SCO v. Novell: Page 1

By , August 15, 2007 2:58 pm

Requiem for a legal disaster: a retrospective analysis of SCO v. Novell: Page 1

For the searchengine impaired this is the link to the article Steve mentioned in his comment on the earlier post about SCO vs Novell. At least this is the one I found after searching for it. Thanks for the pointer Steve.

Handcrafted Wonder: 1873 Monocycle Replica Is a Mechanical and Engineering Marvel – Gizmodo

By , August 15, 2007 2:45 pm

Handcrafted Wonder: 1873 Monocycle Replica Is a Mechanical and Engineering Marvel – Gizmodo

Quite an interesting device. Wish there was some more detailed information on it. Would like to know what the brass can is for that is located just to the left of the handle bars in the picture below. Water or oil or what? The artist did a hell of a job on this piece of machine work. Verrrrry nice!

Monocycle Drive Gear

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