Cart Bike – Instructables

By , August 31, 2007 12:18 pm

Cart Bike – Instructables

Interesting idea. I’d have to make a few major changes though.

First I’d remove the 4 small shopping cart wheels and instead add 2 20″ or larger wheels at the balance point of the cart. Then I’d bend the forks out to where they could be bolted or welded to the metal tubes of the cart. The angle of the steering tube of the bike might also need to be changed so that it was straight up and down to allow for better steering control when cornering.

Overall not bad for a first attempt.

Cart Bike

Federal agency rejects enhanced oversight of genetic tests

By , August 31, 2007 12:10 pm

Federal agency rejects enhanced oversight of genetic tests
In a decision that places cost concerns above public health, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has rejected a petition filed by a coalition of health and consumer groups calling for the agency to strengthen standards for genetic testing laboratories. Citing cost concerns, the agency told petitioners in a recent letter that it would not pursue the safety standards.

Considering the emphasis that the current administration places on money this move doesn’t surprise me. Though it does piss me off a bit more than I already was at their total disregard for the future health and well being of the folks that were stupid enough to put them in power in the first place.

Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster

By , August 31, 2007 10:56 am

Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster

Interesting little cluster! This link via email from Steve who is at work and can’t post. Thanks Steve! Love the Monty Python poster on the wall behind the desk in one of the pictures! Cool stuff!

Popeye’s Last Supper – Boing Boing

By , August 31, 2007 10:05 am

Popeye’s Last Supper – Boing Boing

The painting is cool, but comment #2 is funny as hell! Good stuff all the way around!

Supper at Sea AKA Popeye’s Last Supper

Internet Archive: Details: The Shadow – Old Time Radio

By , August 31, 2007 10:00 am

Internet Archive: Details: The Shadow – Old Time Radio

Just finished (last night) downloading the last of the shows. Now have all 98 of them on my local hard drive! And it looks like they will fit on a single CD! Haven’t listened to but one of them yet but seem to be as good or better than I remember them to be from the 70’s audio tape version. Good old time radio stuff!

SCO CEO McBride Speaks Out On Novell, Finances, And Groklaw — SCO — InformationWeek

By , August 31, 2007 9:46 am

SCO CEO McBride Speaks Out On Novell, Finances, And Groklaw — SCO — InformationWeek

Every time I read an article that quotes McBride I wonder what color the sky is in his world, and what happened to his flapper…

Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA – Boing Boing

By , August 31, 2007 9:31 am

Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA – Boing Boing

First the RIAA then the MPAA and now the SFWA are abusing the DMCA. This is a good read about a bad problem that isn’t going away and in fact seems to be getting a LOT worse.

The one good thing that I noted as I finished reading the article is that Boing Boing now has comments! At last!

Several of the comments about this latest atrocity are by Sci-Fi writers and for the most part they aren’t at all pleased by the actions of the SFWA. Only one (at the time I read this prior to posting) thought it was a good thing but the guy didn’t give his full name so who knows if it was an actual author or just a troll.

As much as I hate lawyers, I think the authors that have been affected by this stupid act need to file suit against the SFWA and the person who caused this. Don’t know if it will do any good but it might add a bit more fuel to the anti-DMCA movement.

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