40,000 gallons later

By , January 15, 2008 8:42 pm

Was taking it easy again today as I said in yesterdays post, when close to noon there is a knock at the door. I answer and there is a guy from the water department who tells me that we has a leak. Wonderful says I. How much so far? Over 40,000 gallons says he. 😯 Shit! says I. Yea says he. We looked and see nothing but the last two times this has happened it has all gone underground so this makes 3 times. I shut the water off at the meter and he leaves. I get the shovel and dig the area out around the valve to the qhut and upon cutting it off there the meter stops turning. So it’s between the qhut and the drive and that’s only about 15 feet. No water inside the valve hole so must be in that area. I clear the crap away in the middle of the area and finally remember the place I patched back in May or June of last year that I was supposed to get a fitting and repair properly. You can guess where this is going, right? Yea, that connector had broken in the freeze last week but the patch I had put on it had kept it from doing more than spraying a bit, so we didn’t notice a drop in pressure. And there must be a hell of a sink hole right there cause the water was within 5 inches of the top of the hole but not overflowing anywhere, just soaking in, all 40,000 gallons. Went to Jacksonville to Warren Ace Hardware and got a connector and returned and put it on after cutting the old connector out. Tightened it up with pliers and tis done. Now to dread the bill… 😥

Tomorrow I got to cut wood. Think we are about a week from out but even standing dead wood needs to air dry a bit before trying to burn it. There is a 10 year dead oak on top of the hill that I can get a truck load out of that I need to finish cutting. Just so big at this point I have to cut through one side and then go around and cut the other. And then splitting it is a real pain at that size. Several standing dead I am gonna get soon. Just need a couple of truck loads for the next two or three weeks.

Still procrastinating about the heater move/mod. And have failed to produce a drawing as well as not built anything. Will try to get to the building supply and see what is available in ceramic flue liners. If they have tees I’m gonna start with two. Depending on the price. May be cheaper to build it all in brick.

Think I am gonna sit by the fire and read a bit and call it an early night. Firewood awaits in the am… 🙄 😉

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