Just a quick update on the old site. If you want to see what new and exciting things I am up to check out the current blog at Technoprimitive3. My twitter feed does update here but for blog posts the above link is the current one.
Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!
Dave/aka Technoprimitive
Been pulling 10 to 12 hour days this week, trying to get things finished at the new store. Worked the old location today & again tomorrow.
Been pulling 10 to 12 hour days this week, trying to get things finished at the new store. Worked the old location today & again tomorrow.
Heading to the new store to see what I can get done. Back when I get here.
Heading out to do the Calcis run. Back this afternoon. Hopefully before the rain starts to really come down.
Sessions 12″ Office Clock Getting Closer http://t.co/5Kt9EJs4
New Haven Parlor Clock Finished http://t.co/cYhNaUlb
Gonna be a long wet drive to Calcis today. Going to go the Ragland route as we have to do the Wally World thing in Pell City.
F. Kroeber Josephine Alarm With Waterbury Clock Co Works http://t.co/o38L9seP
Is Climate Change To Blame For This Year’s West Nile Outbreak? | Science Sushi, Scientific American Blog Network http://t.co/HFVJmeus