DIY- Simple and Effective Any-size Tool Rack
Fence-in Your Tools
Got a workshop? Do crafts? Gotta lotta handtools? Hang them up in pristine order or whatever way you wanna on this simple, highly effective, any-size-you-want organizer. It’s kinda like a DIY pegboard, but better.
Interesting idea. I’ve always used pegboard and bought or made the hooks and hangers to put the tools on it. Using chicken wire with a frame this way makes a lot of sense. Gonna have to give it a try. Cool!
Open Source Beer Project Flying Dog Brewery Hombrewers Beer Recipe
Homebrew open source style. Sounds good. Now just got to get all the stuff together to do the brewing… 😉
A radial drill press made from spare parts – Instructables – DIY, How To, craft, tech
My radial drill press cost about the same in materials as small, cheap ones you can buy, and it isn’t much bigger or stiffer than those, but it has more freedom of motion than some more expensive machines. It’s made from some parts I found and other parts I made. It ended up so the maximum extension is about 73cm – I guess this makes the swing 57″ – and the head has about 28cm vertical travel, and it can swivel, rotate, and pivot 360°; it has a 3/8″ chuck, the quill travel is up to 8cm, and with the temporary “Hi-Power” gearmotor runs at something like 1000rpm with no load.
Neat! Gives me some ideas for sure. Got a floor standing model in the field that needs a new motor and bunch of other stuff, and an old cheap china made one with a bad motor. Think I will look at combining the two so the china one is the radial feed on the floor model post. Much more in my head right now than I can get on the computer in words. Having a bad day with words for some reason. Must be the histamine reaction from the pollen. Or something. More as I get it figured out and done.
A radial drill press made from spare parts – Instructables – DIY, How To, craft, tech
My radial drill press cost about the same in materials as small, cheap ones you can buy, and it isn’t much bigger or stiffer than those, but it has more freedom of motion than some more expensive machines. It’s made from some parts I found and other parts I made. It ended up so the maximum extension is about 73cm – I guess this makes the swing 57″ – and the head has about 28cm vertical travel, and it can swivel, rotate, and pivot 360°; it has a 3/8″ chuck, the quill travel is up to 8cm, and with the temporary “Hi-Power” gearmotor runs at something like 1000rpm with no load.
Neat! Gives me some ideas for sure. Got a floor standing model in the field that needs a new motor and bunch of other stuff, and an old cheap china made one with a bad motor. Think I will look at combining the two so the china one is the radial feed on the floor model post. Much more in my head right now than I can get on the computer in words. Having a bad day with words for some reason. Must be the histamine reaction from the pollen. Or something. More as I get it figured out and done.
Computerworld > Open source 3D printer copies itself
Once again life imitates science fiction. Don’t remember when it was that I first ran across the concept of the universal replicator or in what story/book but I do remember that at the time I was in awe of the concept. And here are a gropu of folks that are working to make an open source device that can be used to make the parts to reproduce it’s self. The overused “cool” is just to mild for this, fantastic and wonderful both apply but there again just not right. What/which ever, this is great! And I want one!
*** esprit cabane, the magazine of crafty & green living ideas
A really neat French magazine (now in English too) that has all kinds of projects and craft ideas with a focus on homemade and non-toxic. From how-to’s on making wallpaper paste and rice glue to upholstering furniture and making your own paint they cover a wide range of projects for anyone interested in doing it yourself.
I was surprised to find that glazers putty was simply a mixture of chalk power and linseed oil. They give the proper mixture and explain how to use and the curing time.
Good stuff! 😎
Mike’s Electric Stuff
All kinds of neat and nasty electronics stuff. 😯 🙄 😉
Build Your Own Self-Watering Container Garden : Planet Green
I’ve seen the mailorder units and they work great, especially for tomatoes. The only problem I see with the one pictured in the linked article is the use of a nearly transparent tub which might result in algae growth in the water and cause the roots to keep away from the sides. Going to try one or more this year instead of fighting with the ground. Will try to get pix and post about it when I do.
Teardrops & Tiny Travel Trailers :: Index
Don’t think I have posted this link before, but I have been spending quite a bit (and maybe too much) time there since finding it. It is THE place for info and help on building your own teardrop or tiny travel trailer! They have lots of plans and a whole bunch of scans of old mag articles on building your own camper. Huge forum with build pix and a super nice bunch of folks. Check them out!
Portable Tool Table
Interesting design for a table to mount hand power tools on/in. All wood and hardboard design with a few screws and fiddly bits of metal here and there to mount stuff. Looks interesting. Also looks like a cheap way to outfit a woodworking shop. I’m thinking that making something along these lines for each tool. Just takes up a little time and a bit more space.
Monastic ink: linking chemistry and history | Science in School
So that’s how it works. Cool! Now to find some galls and try this.
Trailer for my bikes
Square tubing, bolted together bike trailer frame. Interesting design. Like the square corner reinforcement pieces.
Tales & Trails: What Is? (530) 275-6728
A site about teardrop campers. Some info new to me as well as a goodly number of links that I haven’t checked out yet.
Cart Bike – Instructables
Interesting idea. I’d have to make a few major changes though.
First I’d remove the 4 small shopping cart wheels and instead add 2 20″ or larger wheels at the balance point of the cart. Then I’d bend the forks out to where they could be bolted or welded to the metal tubes of the cart. The angle of the steering tube of the bike might also need to be changed so that it was straight up and down to allow for better steering control when cornering.
Overall not bad for a first attempt.
Power Your TV, Cell Phone, or Laptop by Pedaling (TreeHugger)
Whereas the video of him playing the video game isn’t that thrilling, the concept that he proves will work with is rather interesting.
The high speed start up is what keeps me from using an old stationary bike for this. Problem is the wheel is too small. Could use a smaller pulley on the alternator. May look and see if a knerled sleeve would fit over the alternator shaft where the pulley mounts and try for a spring loaded drive right off the wheel. That might get the speed up enough to self energize. Will have to do some math and see how close I can come that way.
Hexayurt Project – How To Live Wiki
Steve pointed out that I hadn’t posted about this yet so here it is. One of the links that I lost in the iBook freezing up and firefox not reloading all the many windows and tabs that I had open.
Lotta potential in this design. I am thinking about using a framing system of some kind (2×2 or 2×4 with some trimming done or maybe bamboo or saplings) and an alternative fabric and/or plastic roofing/siding. I realize this defeats the purpose behind this design but for the buildings I need I think it will work out cheaper though not necessarily cooler/warmer.
Holy Smoke: How To Do a Red Smoke Hand Grenade at Home – Gizmodo
Cool (Hot) stuff! I like the pull pin version. Looks like they produce some serious heat though.
RMCybernetics – DIY Projects & Experiments
Interesting site and projects. I like the ray gun tesla coil! Gonna have to try that one.
Instructables KEG LATHE
Interesting idea. Can see several modifications on the basic idea for taking the tops out of barrels and drums too. Or cutting freon tanks or other metal tanks. Cool!