Rat Patrol – Features

By , August 3, 2006 11:29 pm

Rat Patrol – Features

Some seriously cool bikes. And some that I wouldn’t ride for any amount of money! But that is an old fart typing… πŸ˜‰

Captain Beefheart Radar Station – Clicks and Klangs – Streaming audio radio show

By , August 3, 2006 11:27 pm

Captain Beefheart Radar Station – Clicks and Klangs – Streaming audio radio

Da Captain on de web! Good luck with actually getting to the radio feed. Every time I have tried it tells me that I can pay money and get it now but that otherwise I can suck eggs… Or some such. Some other good stuff here though, so take a few and listen to some wonderful oldies.

— Update — after 5+ days trying to listen at various hours I have still not been able to even get to the stream. Guess Live 365 isn’t gonna let any nonpaying people in. They need to state that it’s strictly a PAY feed if this is the case. ASSHATS!

Woman forces US record industry to drop file-sharing case | The Register

By , August 3, 2006 12:19 pm

Woman forces US record industry to drop file-sharing case | The Register

Another link thanks to Steve. And thanks Steve!

Now these folks that have the cases dropped need to sue the hell out of the RIAA and MPAA (when and if) for public defamation of character and any other little thing the lawyers can think up. Maybe then they (the asshats of the RIAA/MPAA) will think twice about suing their customers for this stupid shit…

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