A Truly Extravagant Cocktail
A Truly Extravagant Cocktail – Cork & Knife
When you look up “extravagant” in the dictionary, you may very well find the picture above. It costs 27,321 dirham at the Skyview Bar of the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai and is, appropriately enough, named the “27.321”. For those not familiar with the exchange rates, I am told that it comes out to approximately $7,450 for one cocktail.
Even with getting to keep the glass, stirrer (carved out of a piece of Oak from an original Macallan Sherry Cask) and adding in the leather box, that’s a bit much for one drink. In another article I read (which is where I got the bit about the stirrer) but can’t find now, it stated that they are only going to “create” 10 of these cocktails, and that two of them were purchased the first night it was offered. There is ostintatious and then there is just plain crazy… 🙄