Category: Just plain weird

A Truly Extravagant Cocktail

By , April 30, 2008 7:29 pm

A Truly Extravagant Cocktail – Cork & Knife

When you look up “extravagant” in the dictionary, you may very well find the picture above. It costs 27,321 dirham at the Skyview Bar of the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai and is, appropriately enough, named the “27.321”. For those not familiar with the exchange rates, I am told that it comes out to approximately $7,450 for one cocktail.

Even with getting to keep the glass, stirrer (carved out of a piece of Oak from an original Macallan Sherry Cask) and adding in the leather box, that’s a bit much for one drink. In another article I read (which is where I got the bit about the stirrer) but can’t find now, it stated that they are only going to “create” 10 of these cocktails, and that two of them were purchased the first night it was offered. There is ostintatious and then there is just plain crazy… 🙄

A Truly Extravagant Cocktail

By , April 30, 2008 7:28 pm

A Truly Extravagant Cocktail – Cork & Knife

When you look up “extravagant” in the dictionary, you may very well find the picture above. It costs 27,321 dirham at the Skyview Bar of the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai and is, appropriately enough, named the “27.321”. For those not familiar with the exchange rates, I am told that it comes out to approximately $7,450 for one cocktail.

Even with getting to keep the glass, stirrer (carved out of a piece of Oak from an original Macallan Sherry Cask) and adding in the leather box, that’s a bit much for one drink. In another article I read (which is where I got the bit about the stirrer) but can’t find now, it stated that they are only going to “create” 10 of these cocktails, and that two of them were purchased the first night it was offered. There is ostintatious and then there is just plain crazy… 🙄

Slashdot | Robot Rebellion Quelled in Iraq

By , April 12, 2008 1:21 pm

Slashdot | Robot Rebellion Quelled in Iraq

And who didn’t expect this to happen? Too much, too soon, too little independent testing…

ThinkGeek :: Super Pii Pii Brothers

By , April 1, 2008 6:31 pm

ThinkGeek :: Super Pii Pii Brothers
“According to the Japanese text on the box “Super Pii Pii Brothers promotes good bathroom skills and allows women to experience for the first time the pleasure of urinating while standing.” What we say is that virtual peeing is damn fun!”

If it’s an April Fools thing they went to a LOT of trouble. Check out the video! 😯 😆 😆 😆

Passover Ten Plagues in a Pyramid Box

By , January 20, 2008 3:52 pm

Passover Ten Plagues in a Pyramid Box


😆 😆 😆

Police ordered to pull over people doing nothing wrong – Boing Boing

By , December 18, 2007 5:25 pm

Police ordered to pull over people doing nothing wrong – Boing Boing

I think this is gonna end in a bad way for some unexplainable reason…

So, what’s the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? | The Register

By , August 24, 2007 11:28 pm

So, what’s the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? | The Register

The standard unit of area shall be the nanoWales, defined as 1nWa, representing 0.0000207km2 or 20.78m2, 5.195 Thai talang wah or 28.99 Old Spanish square vara. The microWales, milliWales and Wales (Wa) are, naturally, accepted multiples of the base nanoWales.

* Football pitch = 194.89nWa
* Wales = 1,000,000,000nWa
* Belgium = 1.47Wa
* Democratic Republic of Congo = 113.3Wa
* Known universe (rolled out flat) = 19468502x1012x10256Wa

Steve alerted me to this one (Wish he would post them himself 🙂 ). Thanks dude! Funny as h e double toothpicks…

Slashdot | University Taps Sewers for Internet Access

By , August 21, 2007 10:42 pm

Slashdot | University Taps Sewers for Internet Access

Well the internet has been going down the toilet for years now so oddly this does seem to fit… 😉

For something completely different

By , August 7, 2007 10:04 pm

Don’t click here…

Giant Lego man washed up on Dutch beach – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

By , August 7, 2007 8:08 pm

Giant Lego man washed up on Dutch beach – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)


Giant Lego Man

bullet knife gun shell brass reload weapon assault swat – (item 170136134592 end time Aug-07-07 15:10:43 PDT)

By , August 6, 2007 12:45 pm

bullet knife gun shell brass reload weapon assault swat – (item 170136134592 end time Aug-07-07 15:10:43 PDT)

Since Ebay will remove this at some point I am gonna copy the contents below. At the present time the bid (yep folks are really bidding on a rock) is at 122.50 US. Totally nuts!

From the site:

Assault Rock

In celebration of Ebay’s new firearm parts policy we proudly offer the ONLY genuine, fully automatic ASSAULT ROCK!!!! Get yours fast before Ebay decides you can’t-it seems guns have some legal standing in the Constitution of the United States (not on Ebay). Our crack team of right-wing lawyer wantabees are looking for rock protection as you read this-besides it keeps them from esoteric pursuits such as trying to figure out why liberals exist. These incredible tools started out as just lousy old Colorado granite; but have been transformed into works of art worthy of, and able to induce shock and awe!

Colors available:

Black-a most ominous color, great for swat (literally) work and they immediately strike (that’s what you got it for isn’t it?) fear into your foe’s heart while showing that you care enough to use the very best.

White, while it may look like you stole it from some old lady’s garden, is no less effective, is innocuous enough to look like a paper weight, and great for winter work, but we caution, repeated use may cause staining.

Camo-OF COURSE, why wouldn’t we-after all we are shamelessly promoting this. It is our most popular rock, and its ability to blend-in is legendary and various patterns are available upon request

Natural-while it seems shabby on our part to offer what would seem to be a plain old rock-hey the pet rock phenomena still amazes us. We felt it only proper, and in may cases it would be the best choice at being non-threatening and blending in with the environment-again, hey we want to be able to have some bogus claim to being “green.” We will send you a relatively clean rock with most of the dirt clods knocked off, postage being what it is.

The “designer” rock-custom colors, blends, and jewel be-studded upon request. Price dependant upon upgrades and jewels chosen.

All rocks are fully automatic, never need to be reloaded-as long as you can cock your arm, have a durable dollar store spray paint finish and come with a lifetime guarantee-if used for their intended purpose. Please note: most have minor natural defects that do not affect performance. Please be sure to order the proper size, the largest you can easily wield will be the most effective. It is not our fault if you bring “too much rock” and have difficulty recocking in the fully automatic mode. Remember too little rock usually results it necessity to go “Full Auto” to be effective, and this may be offensive to some passer-bys. We also caution against just going out and getting your own home grown or “reloaded rock” as these are not subject to the rigors of our process and may be easily subject to the penchant of the legal profession to file a suit claiming you are a crazed, right wing, rock loving, Neanderthal, republican, enviro-hating, SUV driving, carbon hogging, God-fearing, aberrant, pervert.

Calibers available:

Humongous-best left to the meanest SOB on the block or a front end loader

Large-for those that have some kind of complex

Medium-best choice for most, a little large to conceal, but will “git-er-done”

Small-best for pocket of purse, may require repeated cycles to be totally effective

Micro only for the well trained in the art of “rockette”-did it take a rocket scientist to know that?


Material – granite, we think

Finish-lousy aerosol paint

Country of origin USA, Colorado

Weight: varies, depends on what we can find and what you want

Color started out sort of reddish brown, maybe gray

Safeties-None-the darn thing is a ROCK! For crying out loud, what do you want and HK?

Please note: this item, due to its inherently dangerous nature, is not available to: at least the northern portion of the left coast and the land of fruit and nuts (Kalifornia and Ebay). In fact, we highly recommend that those areas IMMEDIATELY begin a program of regulating, stamping out, filing a manufacturer’s class action suit against God,( the original manufacturer), and rendering all non-military or law-enforcement controlled rocks un-useable and ineffective by super gluing them to something solid or crushing them to the size of salt grains. (Any larger and some fool might think to use them in a sling shot!!)

Please Note Again: We recommend against going “air-borne” with your rock unless you are a major league class pitcher or NFL class quarterback. Rocks out of control and personal retention may be easily turned against the original possessor-besides it just shows a lack of self-control.

HURRY!! Get yours soon, as far as we know there are only so many available, and no more are being made that are readily available, although some MAY be evolving (just had to use that word didn’t ya?)

Be sure to check out our other items-sticks, hammers, assault cars, fire-place pokers, screwdrivers, golf clubs, etc.

Above content copyright JLS 2007. May be copied, perused, abused, edited and broadcast or re-broadcast only on fear of ridicule as long as changes are apparent and the original content remains intact?????

Shipping-you must be nuts! World’s Drunkest Jews!

By , July 16, 2007 9:18 pm World’s Drunkest Jews!
Quite NSFW, but funny as hell.

Spluch: Electric Man cooks live fish in 2 minutes!

By , July 10, 2007 1:02 pm

Spluch: Electric Man cooks live fish in 2 minutes!

Just plain weird…

Zapato Productions intradimensional

By , May 13, 2007 11:00 am

Zapato Productions intradimensional

Weird stuff.

Man hacks off penis in London restaurant – Yahoo! News UK

By , April 25, 2007 9:40 pm

Man hacks off penis in London restaurant – Yahoo! News UK
The man was described as being in a stable condition in hospital Tuesday.

Somehow I doubt that he is in any way, shape, form, or fashion stable…

60 million containers of pet food recalled – Pet Health –

By , March 17, 2007 7:34 pm

60 million containers of pet food recalled – Pet Health –

Custom car builder creates world’s fastest office

By , February 21, 2007 8:44 pm

Custom car builder creates “world’s fastest office” – Engadget

Far too much time on his hands…

Programming in Malbolge

By , February 3, 2007 4:55 pm

Programming in Malbolge
Introduction to Malbolge
Malbolge, for those not familiar with it, is a language designed to be difficult (or perhaps impossible – until recently, there was not even an informal argument showing Turing completeness) to program in. For example, the effect of any instruction depends on where it is located in memory (mod 94, of course), all instructions are self-modifying (according to a permutation table) and both the code and data pointers are incremented after every instruction, making it hard to re-use any code or data. There is no way to initialize memory except to one of the 8 instruction characters, there is no LOAD or STORE operator, and the only available memory operators (both of them) work in trinary and are designed to be opaque. The only control flow construct is an unconditional computed jump, which is also nearly worthless since there is no way (or certainly no obvious way) to set memory to anything except the 8 instruction characters.

Okay, if they say so, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna try it…

Treehugger: Amy Youngs’ Digestive Table

By , November 28, 2006 10:03 pm

Treehugger: Amy Youngs’ Digestive Table

Tis an interesting idea.  BUT, and to me it is certainly a big but,  while I can see having a pail in the corner using this method of food scrap recycling, I don’t want it in the middle of my dining table. 🙁

This planet is crazy: Magnetic man

By , November 9, 2006 9:41 am

This planet is crazy: Magnetic man

Now that I have seen it I still don’t believe it but go and see for yourself.  This guy seems to be able to hold all kinds of stuff magnetic or not to the surface of his body.  Weird stuff…

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