The Alabama Airsoft Forum is no longer at located at due to excessive bandwidth requirements and no assistance from the forum members toward offsetting hosting costs. While we were hosting the games there was some money coming in from the airsoft folks so this wasn’t a big deal. However, it has now been months since the games were played here and I can no longer afford to continue supporting the increasing forum traffic, so I shut it down 2 weeks ago and have now removed the subdomain and forum redirect completely. Since I am still getting hits from people trying to find the forum I am posting this link. Please bookmark it.
The new site is located at Alabama Airsoft Forum.
The day was a success in several ways. Game play was rapid and with 42 or 43 on the field there was a lot of action seen by all. After getting the propane regulator unstuck with a few well placed blows and hitting it with pressure on and off a few times, the grill worked great. Fed 24 paying, and 6 or 7 staff. The food was well received and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Fare was 2 burgers or 2 hot dogs dress em your self, baked beans, chips, and a drink. Was supposed to include a desert but somehow that part got forgotten and was found at the end of the day in the bottom of the fridge. We will do better next time.
Made enough to buy another shelter to use for the kitchen which I am gonna pick up tomorrow. Planning on getting another one to use as a portable work area too. Whether I get two of them tomorrow or not I haven’t decided. Probably will to be done with it and have no more excuses of no dry place to work in. 🙄
Finished the day with a fire in the big fire pit. Must get pix of it, keep meaning to and then forgetting it. Called it quits at about 10 pm. Long day as it started in the field for me before 9 am and Cat by 9. Got a work day this coming Saturday and may have a game the following Sunday. Have had several ask for a Sunday game day so will see if they are really interested.
Tis late and I am ready for some down time so will close till tomorrow.
Hopped on the tractor and headed for the lake bed this am. Scrapped the tall stuff down and then started scrapping the brush and smaller trees into a pile for later burning. Ran out of gas and went and got the spare gallon and sent Cat to the station for another 8 gallons. Took the truck, chain saw and other implements of destruction with me when I went back. Cut the tree in town that has been waiting for the time and saw. Then went to the lake bed and took out the ones that were leaning and much in the way. After spending the first 15 minutes filing the chain. Worth it though the way it cuts. Cleared most of the bed (2 to 3 acres) of grass and brush. Pushed my way up the center of the bed clearing as I went to the first water behind a beaver dam and started reinforcing the dam. Doubled its thickness in just a few minutes. Hope I give the little critters a complex… Gonna take the top 5 or so feet off of the big lake dam and move the dirt into the lake bed. Cut a hole in the dam for the creek to flow through and work from there. Should be an interesting next few weeks/months as I move several thousand cubic feet of dirt and rock.
Got another game this weekend and again next weekend so gonna be busy with other work and clearing and fixing around the property for the next few weeks.
Gonna call it an early night and start again tomorrow and see how far I can get before the rain hits and calls a halt to the lake bed clearing. Till tomorrow… 😎
After a dripping wet start this morning it turned into a pretty good day. Had 18 or 19 playing for the first game anyway.
Tim did a good business with guns, bb’s and assorted batteries, magazines, and parts. Now to get the building cleaned out, stock shelved and the website finished. Maybe monday or tuesday.
Ended up cooking for the mob anyway. Keaton brought egg rolls and cooked them on site. I had cooked the deer stew last night and did some doctoring on it today after lunch and served it, along with cooking a couple of pans of cornbread to go with it. Boiled 30 hot dogs and had chips, pickles and assorted crackers. Not super fancy but was filling and much was consumed. No egg rolls were left! Good stuff!
We put it all up and I walked back to the camp then over and took the sign in then sat and started this. I am beat. Lot of stuff that went on that ain’t in here. Run here and there, soldered the catch back on a belt buckle, more running, cooking, fire building, still more running and cooking and then eating and board splitting and fire building. Long day done and done.
And now I am gonna call it a night and start again tomorrow. Till then…
Had a good turnout today at the game. Fielded at least 34 for the first part of the game. Lost several at midday break mostly due to broken guns, so I don’t know how many played the whole day. Had quite a few eat at days end. Had sausages and hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, chips, cheese, crackers, pickles, brownies and cookies. Most was consumed… 😯 😆 Gonna have to educate some of these folks about what potluck means as we ended up with the prep and cooking and greatest part of the food expense too. 😕 But it was a good day overall.
Hoping to get out and go to the flea markets on 431 tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Will see what the weather and bodies are like in the am and make the decision then.
Is raining just a tad here right now. Didn’t expect us to have any rain till sometime middle of the week. Guess I missed something. Just looked at the radar and it doesn’t look like it will be much or last long.
Just reloaded the firebox again. GOT to get started on building the new unit. Understand what you are talking about, Steve, but what I am looking at doing isn’t quite the same even though part of it is. The blower and heat transfer pathway is similar but where a radiator or heater core uses the constant water flow to make the transfer, the bells will be where the hot part of the flue gases rise to as the cooler combustion components flow below them and out of the dwelling. Got to get a drawing made of it and scanned in. Will try to do that either later tonight (yea right, I’m ready or past it for bed now) or more likely later tomorrow.
Also had to go back down to the field and get the chronometer and put it back inside when the rain started. Guess it’s another one of those things that needs to have a shelter of it’s own so it can just stay out there. Also has to have an external light source if the sun isn’t shining so a shelter with light would be ideal for any weather. Will have to look at that. As we have talked about putting in a permanent shooting range the addition of the chrono stand to one side wouldn’t be a bad idea. Guess I need to add that to the ever growing list of crap that needs doing. 🙄
Gonna call it a night.
Just been either busy or camping. Or both.
Last weekend was an airsoft weekend and we had food too so was quite a busy time for yours truly. Also added into the mix was that it was the first time in the camper. Pulled it to the site late Friday afternoon and set it up. Stayed in it that night but with just the futon was not quite up to my old bones or I was not up to it or something. Saturday night was spent at the house. Sunday was back to the camper and the addition of our camping foam pads. Tis good enough but would like another inch of foam or something.
Cat picked up a 12″ Lodge dutch oven Friday. I seasoned it somewhat and cooked some chicken and veggies that night for lunch on Saturday and they were pronounced good as most of them were eaten just after taking off the coals. Saturday she went back and got a 14″ too. With the two of them I think we can cook just about anything. I also have a smaller piece that I think is a bean pot for cooking over coals. Will get a pix of it soon. And of the other stuff. Made a lid lifter but after seeing pix of another one today will be making some major changes to it or just building another all together. Also made a couple of different lid holders.
Got to get the forge back in operation so I can make some other stuff too. Moved all the blacksmithing stuff inside the side shed of the barn. Will try to get a shed built over the area this week so I can get it up and working again. Am gonna build a propane fired forge for small stuff. Got most of what I need and the rest can be bought or built.
Took some old fiberglass tent rods and modified them to help support the canvas at the back of the camper. Will get pix of that too. Too much to try to explain. Rained tonight for the first time in ages. No puddling on the canvas at all. Now need to make side walls with mosquito netting covered windows with zip shut shutters and a zip closed door. Got another old tent or two I may be able to get parts for them from.
Got a lot of organizing left to do to be ready to go camping for real. Figure we’ll make a few more dry runs over here prior to the real thing. Got changes to make to shelves and storage now. Bungies hold the drawers shut fine. Another thing I need to get a picture of.
Spent the last couple of days at the campsite. Have gotten (somewhat) the hang of cooking with the dutch ovens. Biscuits are quite good cooked in one. Did basic drop biscuits with added egg and cheese this morning. Changed the taste and texture. Did cornbread in the 14″ the other day. Burned the bottom (I know why now too) but the rest was quite good. This morning used the lid of the 14″, upside down on the lid holder, with coals underneath as a griddle and cooked the sausage and scrambled eggs. Easy way to do it. 12″ had the biscuits cooking at the same time. Took about 15 to 17 minutes to cook both and be ready to eat. Just got to get the fire going to get the coals first. Will get some charcoal brickets and try cooking with them soon.
Moved the camper back up here to the house to finish the trim and wiring and all the other little details. Took about 15 minutes to put the tarp up. Gonna make some changes in the way I do it but need a couple of rubber straps first. Just got it up when the rain started so sat and watched it run off for a while. Started blowing a bit and came in. May stay out there again tonight. Just testing things out.
And over and out…
Update Thursday, October 16 2008:
The Alabama Airsoft Forum is no longer at located at due to excessive bandwidth requirements and no assistance from the forum members toward offsetting hosting costs. While we were hosting the games there was some money coming in from the airsoft folks so this wasn’t a big deal. However, it has now been months since the games were played here and I can no longer afford to continue supporting the increasing forum traffic, so I shut it down 2 weeks ago and have now removed the subdomain and forum redirect completely. Since I am still getting hits from people trying to find the forum I am posting this link. Please bookmark it.
The new site is located at Alabama Airsoft Forum.
Been going at it a bit too much in the heat I guess. Am not having a good day today nor did I have one yesterday. Suspect it’s just my summer problems showing up a bit early. Sipping on a cup of herb tea and trying to get up the energy to do something.
Bill and I got Cat’s old 8×8 storage building moved to it’s new location down by the creek yesterday afternoon. Gonna use it as the registration booth for the airsoft games. Supposed to have an open play game Saturday May 5 (tomorrow) but not sure how many folks will show as we haven’t advertised it much.
Been trying to get some of the buildings up for the upcoming big game on May 26. Got one entire wall (8 feet high by 12 feet long) and part of two more up on one building. Piles of material but no energy to get more done right now.
Gonna take some lie down time and try for at least a little productivity this afternoon.
Been trying to get some of this backlog of work caught up. Bug seems to be mostly gone. Still weak and prone to the dizzys but that is mostly allergys I think.
Been working on Aarons car for most of the week. Got the crank drilled out and threaded. Had already machined the pully alignment ring into a groove and then turmed a brass bushing down to fit eh grove. After drilling and tapping the crank had to turn the inside hole on the pully out to fit the new bolt. After fitting it into place there was still a wobble so took it back off (belts and all 🙁 ) and noted the belt guide had gotten thickened while being hammered with the loose crank pully. Turned that down and then finished it off on the belt sander. Put it back in with a different bolt and then tightened all the belts and cranked it up. Or tried to.
Finaly got Bill to crank and hold his foot on the gas to look at the wobble or lack thereof. Almost totally gone. So now to the no run at idle problem. After 3 days off and on and much knashing of teeth and rending of (whatever the hell you rend) something got the wiriing checked out and a couple of problems fixed and the 5 different vacuum, air, and fuel recovery lines hooked to the proper places. One vacuum port capped off as it should be instead of going ot the vacuum sensor. 8 different cracked rubber lines replaced. The aluminum oxide removed from the distribitor cap. The carb cleaned and blown out. It now runs.
Would have taken it out and around the farm but it now needs another 2 quarts of transmission fluid. Guess I will jack it back up and check the pan bolts as soon as the rain passes.
Got the back doors working at least from the inside. Gonna pull the inside panel from the one that isn’t working on the outside and fix that too. Almost ready to put up for sale. Should make some high school or college student a fair little car. Still needs a steering rack but the one that is there works well enough. Just leaks some.
Hoping to get the cars and crap moved out of the way for the new entry to the airsoft parking lot in the next few days. Next game is April 21. Info at Operation Impending Doom for those interested. Would really like it to be ready for the traffic then.
Got to looking at the old futon frames. Think they will make excellent gates. Or quick and dirty portable baricades with the addition of a couple of feet. Just want something to keep honest folks out anyway.
Opposable Thumbs: The craziest modded-out laser tag gun you’ll see this year
This is one cool toy! Not airsoft but looks like the concept could be modified to work with an airsoft gun. Thanks go to Steve for the link!

This weekend is the big Bay of Pigs 2 game here at the Weaver Combat Ranch so postings have been few and far between with us trying to get things ready. Expect nothing post wise from now till it’s all over. 40 + eating and right now the count of players is somewhere around 60 so is gonna be hectic the next few days.
Just getting the basics built but the new site url is Also working on a map of the place with different combat sites and features marked.  Also working on linking pix to each point on the map so you can see what the area looks like. Slowly slowly eats the elephant… 😉
Has been a long few days but am back among the blogging. War is over and masses were fed without misshap. Or not many problems.
Today has been spent in front of and over fires and I am SO glad it’s done and yet strangely enough still looking forward to the next one. Fed 30+ as near as I can tell. They ate 35 burgers, 30 hot dogs, 3/4 gallon of baked beans, 2 pounds of potatoes, 1 pound onions, one pound carrots, 30+ hamburger buns, 25+ hot dog buns, many sodas, 10 pounds ice, 1 pound assorted sliced cheese, 1 pound chips, assorted biscuts & cornbread & bread, 1/2 gallon chilli, and many pickle spears…
Much more was put in the freezer for eating later. Next game I am gonna figure on more meat and less vegatables. Also need to get more chairs and look at building a LARGE eating area/feast hall.
Had several compliments on the food and site. Several said that it was one of the best maintained sites they had ever played at. One of my/our next goals is to see about clearing for and building additonal buildings/objectivies. throughout the property.
Long day done. 1220 posts in my feed reader too catch up on but as storms are due later tonight and tomorrow will close for now and try to get some much needed rest before they hit…
Update Thursday, October 16 2008:
The Alabama Airsoft Forum is no longer at located at due to excessive bandwidth requirements and no assistance from the forum members toward offsetting hosting costs. While we were hosting the games there was some money coming in from the airsoft folks so this wasn’t a big deal. However, it has now been months since the games were played here and I can no longer afford to continue supporting the increasing forum traffic, so I shut it down 2 weeks ago and have now removed the subdomain and forum redirect completely. Since I am still getting hits from people trying to find the forum I am posting this link. Please bookmark it.
The new site is located at Alabama Airsoft Forum.
bbgunmilitia : BB Gun Militia
Don’t remember if I have posted a link to the Alabama Airsoft Yahoo group before or not. Which ever it be, here it is. Members only so you will have to register to get in but some of the pix are worth the pain of joining.
Update Thursday, October 16 2008:
The Alabama Airsoft Forum is no longer at located at due to excessive bandwidth requirements and no assistance from the forum members toward offsetting hosting costs. While we were hosting the games there was some money coming in from the airsoft folks so this wasn’t a big deal. However, it has now been months since the games were played here and I can no longer afford to continue supporting the increasing forum traffic, so I shut it down 2 weeks ago and have now removed the subdomain and forum redirect completely. Since I am still getting hits from people trying to find the forum I am posting this link. Please bookmark it.
The new site is located at Alabama Airsoft Forum.
Update Thursday, October 16 2008:
The Alabama Airsoft Forum is no longer at located at due to excessive bandwidth requirements and no assistance from the forum members toward offsetting hosting costs. While we were hosting the games there was some money coming in from the airsoft folks so this wasn’t a big deal. However, it has now been months since the games were played here and I can no longer afford to continue supporting the increasing forum traffic, so I shut it down 2 weeks ago and have now removed the subdomain and forum redirect completely. Since I am still getting hits from people trying to find the forum I am posting this link. Please bookmark it.
The new site is located at Alabama Airsoft Forum.