Camper progress Oct 26, 2007

By , October 26, 2007 11:12 pm

Shore power is in. Got the base level kitchen cabinet framing about done. Still got some paneling to get done. Getting closer and closer.

Checking Spacing for Fridge and water jug
Checking spacing for fridge and water jug.

Front view
Got just enough room if I use plastic for the side panels.

Close but will fit
Close but should fit with no problem.

Just right
Clearance is just right.

Putting in shore power
Putting in shore power box. Note red jumper at of breaker panel. It is use to jump both sides together so all breakers get power. I may change this and use one side for the inverter and the other for mains power.

Using rightmost breaker for main cutoff
This box isn’t set up for a master disconnect so I put the power in on the rightmost breaker which is a 20 amp and use it for the panel master disconnect. The branch breakers are all 15 amp.

Camper power cord
Camper power cord and wall feedthrough.

Cover on
Cover on and power cord run.

Building wall enclosure
Electrical enclosure framed in. Still got to install the 12 volt stuff and 300 watt inverter.

Framing going up around wheelwell
Getting the framing up around the wheel well. White plastic and paneling also had to be cut and installed prior to doing this.

Getting closer
Another view showing back wall. I used white here to lighten the underside of the counter. Didn’t want it on the counter back cause it’s so hard to keep looking clean in a kitchen.

Storage area floor framing done
Storage area floor framing done. Got to cut the plywood and then put in the divider framing and skin this section. Then will put a solid plywood top on and then build the next level and countertop on it. Should save a few cuts in the plywood dodging framing.

That’s it for today. More as I get to it. 😉

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