Friday the 4th of July 2008

By , July 4, 2008 10:07 pm

Got up and fixed an apple pie this morning and went to the folks house for lunch. Twas all good. Pie was fair. Will try it again with a bit different mixture. Came back and doctored places I had broken out from exposure to cat dander/hair. Downloaded the pix from last night and got them up. Been sitting in front of the computer and catching up on the feeds since. Guess we’ll get out and about a bit tomorrow and see what is available at the local yard sales. Till tomorrow… 😉

One Response to “Friday the 4th of July 2008”

  1. Steve says:

    Stayed around the house except for a breakfast trip and a trip to West Point to pick up something to make for supper. I’m about to hang out some clothes, get some coffee, and head into town for some things before I start cleaning up around here. The girls come home today, so I have to get it in better shape. It’s not that bad, really, but Saturday is cleanup day anyway.

    Pictures from the fireworks look good!

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