Posts tagged: Daily Grind

Rocket stove Monday

By , July 7, 2008 8:02 pm

Got out this morning and moved the plants from the back room outside. Should have done it 3 months ago, but… Went out back and cleared an area just outside the back porch and set a couple of 8 inch cement blocks. Added a couple of more on top of the first two and then a couple of solid 4 inchers on top of them. Gathered a pile of bricks and put them on top of the blocks. Dug a pile of red clay and shoveled it into the wheelbarrow then added an equal amount of ash from the stove from last winter. Mixed it up and chopped up most of the lumps and then added enough water to make a stiff mud. Filled the inside of of the bricks leaving an area for the twigs at the bottom which was filled with a wine bottle. Plastered the inside of the top stack until there was a hole about the size of a wine bottle and inserted it. Went in too easy so took it back out and added a bit more and reinserted it. Packed the mud down a bit and removed both the bottles and finished the inside by hand. Will let it dry for a day or so and then build a fire and fix any cracks. Looks like it will work just fine. Will add a grill to the top to place the pot on to cook in. Cat got a bunch of pix of the mudding part of the building that I will try to get posted asap. For now am going to water the plants out front and then read a bit. Till tomorrow… 😉

Sunday and tired of the errors

By , July 6, 2008 10:56 pm

Am going to make a move soon. Am tired of the crap service I get from the current hosting company who I will name as soon as I move the sites.

Been another mostly nothing day. Hoping tomorrow will be better. Till then… 😉

Saturday at the farm

By , July 5, 2008 10:09 pm

Was planning on getting out and about but didn’t happen. Did a bit of cooking and eating and that was about it for the day. Will see what the morrow brings. Till then… 😉

Friday the 4th of July 2008

By , July 4, 2008 10:07 pm

Got up and fixed an apple pie this morning and went to the folks house for lunch. Twas all good. Pie was fair. Will try it again with a bit different mixture. Came back and doctored places I had broken out from exposure to cat dander/hair. Downloaded the pix from last night and got them up. Been sitting in front of the computer and catching up on the feeds since. Guess we’ll get out and about a bit tomorrow and see what is available at the local yard sales. Till tomorrow… 😉

Just in from the Jacksonville Fireworks Show

By , July 3, 2008 10:18 pm

Was quite a nice display this year. Seems like we have missed it the past couple of years. Went to a get together at the old Edward’s farm pecan orchard which is across from the college where they were shot off. Was quite a spread of assorted foods and I ate a bit too much for comfort, but had to try a little of everything. The fireworks started a bit later than they were posted as starting but once they got going was a solid 12 to 15 minutes of activity. Cat and I both took pictures. Not sure how many of them will turn out. I paged through the ones I took and it looks like there are a fair number of decent shots. Will download them to the computer either later tonight or some time tomorrow and get them up and online.

For now am gonna sit back and try to digest a bit prior to going to bed. Got some apples to make a pie with to take to the folks for lunch tomorrow. Going to try a recipe from Normandy Apple Pie that sounds both easy and quite good. Am planning on doing it in the 12 inch dutch oven rather than in the stove so will see how it works out. Till tomorrow… 😉

Wednesday at the farm

By , July 2, 2008 10:25 pm

And nothing much got done. Moved the plow points to the other side of the building and removed the shelves they were on. Finished getting stuff out of the way on the east side and cleaning up a bit more. Now to figure where to put the stuff on the second floor so I can jack the Q-hut back into shape.

Going to Jacksonville tomorrow evening to the fireworks show then to my folks house on the 4th for lunch. Other than that will be here and working in one way or the other for the duration. Till tomorrow…

Tuesday done

By , July 1, 2008 9:40 pm

After looking at the situation in the Q-hut where I was planning on putting the new shelves I decided that more needed to be done prior to putting them in. So removed the rest of the stuff from the floor and cleaned everything up a bit and took another look. Decided to add an inside wall with insulation and go ahead and finish it off. Started by taking a sledge hammer and straightening the wall a bit more. Lots more of that will have to be done but the bottom of the wall is close enough for now. Patched a hole that I suspect was what was letting water in. Removed the conduit from that side or as much as I could at the time. Am going to have to move the plow points and shelving I put up yesterday to get behind it to get to the rest of the conduit. Such is life in a sequential vortex…

Removed the storm door that we were using for an inside kitchen door and relocated it to the new entry door between the Q-hut and the trailer. Had to do that to get the shelves to fit properly. Will build another door between the Q-hut and the kitchen. Or not. Am thinking of moving the kitchen to the room in the back that is presently being use to store junk. Gonna have to think on that one for a while. Waiting is…

Updated WordPress from 2.5.1-alpha to 2.6-beta2. Built a new header and put it in. And am now gonna go and get a shower and call it a night. Till tomorrow… 😉

Plow points and shelves

By , June 30, 2008 9:47 pm

Trying to clear the area in the front room of the Q-hut to put in the shelving and got down to the plow points and decided to separate them out so they could be stored in different areas in like piles. Never realized just how many different plow points and pieces we had. Of course the other thing I had forgotten about was that there are pieces going back to at least the 20’s, some for mule drawn plows and some for tractor drawn. Whole bunch of plows. I’d guess around 700 pounds or more. After trying to sort the suckers for half a hour and getting less than half of them done I gave up and piled them on the shelves as they would fit. Will go back through after I get the rest of the shelves up and see what I can do then. For now they are out of the way and I can go back to cutting and installing the shelving.

Didn’t make it to Gadsden or anywhere else today. Guess I will try again tomorrow. Till then…

Sunday after a hard Saturday

By , June 29, 2008 9:19 pm

In which I got nothing much done. Not too sore but can certainly tell I worked fairly hard yesterday. Back is still a bit warmish from the sun but doesn’t seem to be burned, at least not to the point of peeling.

We did get a bit of rain this afternoon. Not much, about a tenth of an inch but was better than nothing. Plants seemed to enjoy it and I didn’t have to get out there and water them again this afternoon. Got out long enough between showers to put down some bricks and rocks where the rain splashes coming off the roof. Going to have to put in a cable or chain for it to run down. Also gonna have to get some gravel to put into the landing area to keep down some of the erosion.

Cat is back so planning on going to Gadsden tomorrow to get the D-Ribose and hit some of the thrift shops. Was an early morning today so am gonna make it an early one tonight. Till tomorrow…

Another bed down

By , June 28, 2008 5:41 pm

Got the rest of the dirt dug out and the next bed built. Went 3 bricks high with this one instead of the 2 on the first one. Used 9 bags of organic humus along with some of the dirt I dug from the area. Managed to get the rest of the tomato and pepper plants put in as well as some potatoes that were sprouting and some green onion root tips cut off from cooking onions that I had been saving to try planting. Again quite sore, tired and a bit sunburned or so my back keeps telling me, but none of the above is as bad as the previous two bits of exertion so may be getting somewhat back into shape.

Haven’t gotten the D-Ribose yet. Planned to go yesterday but wasn’t quite up to the trip, and Cat is at a family reunion today and won’t be back till some time tomorrow. Guess I will try for Monday.

The next outside project will be finishing up removing nails from the pile of lumber out front so I can get it moved around back and put in more planting beds where it is now. Depending on the state of the body may get started on that tomorrow.

Going to go dig in the fridge and see what is for supper. Till tomorrow…

Wednesday bits

By , June 25, 2008 9:15 pm

Got a start on taking apart the pile of lumber this am. Was at least able to clear out enough to get started on digging the next plant bed. Started digging the bed and filling in some low spots then moved on to leveling the dirt between the first bed and the entry door and filling in a low spot. Moved several wheel barrow loads of brick and sand from the the back storage area to the front and then started with a layer of sand and set the brick to make a floor for the entry way from the door to the end of the first bed. Added more sand on top of the brick and washed it into the areas between the brick with the hose. Swept it off and it looks pretty good. Then watered the plant bed and called it a day. Am quite sore and tired and a bit sunburned. Figure it will be a day or two till I am back at it but any way I look at it, it has been a reasonably successful day. Till tomorrow… 😉

And a Tuesday

By , June 24, 2008 9:11 pm

That was almost a Monday. Watered the plants, started taking the wood flooring from the outbuilding apart then got too hot and did some cooking and eating, with large amounts of time in between on the couch. Again hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. Till then…

Twas a Monday

By , June 23, 2008 8:33 pm

Got the plants watered this morning and meals fixed and eaten but that was about it for the day. Hoping that tomorrow is more productive. Till then…

Another Sunday on the couch

By , June 22, 2008 10:11 pm

After the excesses of the past couple of days and the resulting soreness I took the day off. Will try to get back at it tomorrow. Till then…

One bed down and more to go

By , June 21, 2008 4:17 pm

Just got through with the first planting bed. Built it up out of rock, broken chunks of cement and old bricks. Laid down newspaper to keep down the grass and weeds, then put in a layer of dried leaves and grass clippings, and then 10 forty pound bags of topsoil. Bought the topsoil to speed it up as I just ain’t got the energy to get out and dig it all up this time around. Put in several kinds of peppers and a slew of tomatoes. Haven’t counted them but I think around 40 plants. Now that the sun is off of them for the day I watered it all good. Will water again either later this afternoon or early in the morning.

Got another 10 bags of organic humus in the truck I just went and got to do the second bed as I still have tomato plants and a pepper plant or two left to put in. Also got some sprouting potatoes and a few onions I need to get in the ground. Looks like this next bed will be mostly brick around the sides and not quite as big as the first but a bit deeper. Doubt that I will get it put in today. May get out there and start laying the brick out but that will be about all as I am sore from top to bottom from the bending, digging, hauling, and stooping. Maybe I’ll get it done tomorrow, and if not Monday.

Think I’m gonna go and lie on the couch, read, and cool off for a bit. Till later…

Placeholder for Friday

By , June 20, 2008 8:51 pm

And this post is just that, a placeholder. May try to post something later and may not. Till tomorrow…

Bits and pieces

By , June 19, 2008 10:45 pm

Got several windows covered over with foil backed bubblepack today. Darker but much cooler. Started dismantling the metal shield around the woodburning stove and had to start moving stuff that has piled up around it and realized I needed to get the shelves up in the qhut first. Got to cut the uprights first. Need the metal to extend the roof of the porch on the south side of the trailer so I can move the tools and tables out from under the white shelter so I can move it. Bit by bit I get this elephant eaten…

Long day today and more to do tomorrow so am gonna call it one. Till then…

Wednesday at the farm

By , June 18, 2008 11:00 pm

Nothing much going on today either. Not as much a disjointed day today as yesterday but I was still somewhat out of kilter with the world. Got a couple or four of projects started but nothing much done with any of them. Hoping tomorrow will work out better. Till then… 😉

Dazed Tuesday

By , June 17, 2008 10:35 pm

Had a very disjointed feeling day today. More so than usual. Hoping tomorrow is not quite as unreal feeling. Till then…


By , June 16, 2008 10:09 pm

Once again. A very nothing got done Monday at that. Hoping that I get some energy back and soon. Till tomorrow…

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