Category: money guns n lawyers

A new reason to hate Comcast (Scripting News)

By , April 17, 2008 8:18 am

A new reason to hate Comcast (Scripting News)

Intimidation, the better business model, NOT. In the last few years it seems that this type of corporate behavior is becoming the standard. Could it have something to do with the way the government has gone from being “by the people, of the people, for the people”, (or however that goes) to “we is teh government and we will do whatever we wants to”. Don’t know, just a thought that flitted across the minds eye. What I do know is that I vote with my money and a business that gave me the attitude that Comcast has given Dave on this wouldn’t get another cent out of me. Here he is paying $180.00 a month to have them as a backup, tries them out as his main connection as he hears good things about them and they talk to him really bad for using their bandwidth. Not a good way of doing business in my book. Give them hell, Dave!

Universal Music: it’s illegal to throw away the promo CD we sent you without your permission – Boing Boing

By , April 9, 2008 9:49 am

Universal Music: it’s illegal to throw away the promo CD we sent you without your permission – Boing Boing
The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Fred von Lohmann sez, “In a brief filed in federal court yesterday, Universal Music Group (UMG) states that, when it comes to the millions of promotional CDs (‘promo CDs’) that it has sent out to music reviewers, radio stations, DJs, and other music industry insiders, throwing them away is ‘an unauthorized distribution’ that violates copyright law. Yes, you read that right — if you’ve ever received a promo CD from UMG, and you don’t still have it, UMG thinks you’re a pirate.”

Well I’ve read the Boing Boing piece, The EFF piece and the 24 page “brief” and it looks to me like UMG has been WAY out of line with this. They have violated the DCMA numerous times using takedown notices filed through the RIAA to EBay and caused this poor guy’s account to be frozen and his auctions removed just because he DARED to offer for resale promotional CD’s that he had purchased. I hope the judge throws the book at those arsehats! 👿

Microsoft Threatens to Go Hostile on Yahoo | Epicenter from

By , April 5, 2008 4:12 pm

Microsoft Threatens to Go Hostile on Yahoo | Epicenter from

It’s this type of bullying that keeps getting them into trouble in the courts. You’d think they’d have learned by now to at least give the appearance of playing nice. Yet another reason I will never purchase another Micro$oft product and promote Linux every chance I get.

Slashdot | Smartphones Patented — Just About Everyone Sued 1 Minute Later

By , January 25, 2008 11:35 pm

Slashdot | Smartphones Patented — Just About Everyone Sued 1 Minute Later

And to think that the system that was supposed to support and encourage innovation has come to this. Nothing but time and money wasting BS that drives the price of everything up even more. 👿

Black Mustang Club calendar is go, Ford releases images under Creative Commons — a he said/she said blow-by-blow – Boing Boing

By , January 25, 2008 11:24 pm

Black Mustang Club calendar is go, Ford releases images under Creative Commons — a he said/she said blow-by-blow – Boing Boing

Ford was at fault before but not this time they say. Whatever. Still think one of their caged lawyers made noises. At least a small victory for common sense… 😎

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