Category: DRM

Microsoft: we listen to broadcasters, not customers

By , May 20, 2008 6:59 pm
Microsoft: we listen to broadcasters, not customers – Boing Boing

Danny sez, “A Microsoft spokesperson told CNet today that ‘Microsoft included technologies in Windows based on rules set forth by the (Federal Communications Commission). As part of these regulations, Windows Media Center fully adheres to the flags used by broadcasters and content owners to determine how their content is distributed and consumed.’ Do they really mean that they’re obeying the broadcast flag that courts and Congress rejected as being executive overreach by the FCC? The ones they have no obligation to follow?”

This is about the best reason I have yet seen to ditch Microsoft and move to Linux or Unix. I’d say more but it would just be Microsoft bashing and they are doing a fine job of that all by themselves…

Take Your Music Open-Source With Ogg Vorbis – Wired How-To Wiki

By , April 12, 2008 1:17 pm

Take Your Music Open-Source With Ogg Vorbis – Wired How-To Wiki

Now with iTunes support, kinda. Going to have to look at Ogg again. Looks like it has grown up a bit since the last time I tried it out.

Amazon MP3 ID3 tag mystery solved — bad file permissions and misinformed rep, not proprietary tags – Boing Boing

By , January 25, 2008 10:54 pm

Amazon MP3 ID3 tag mystery solved — bad file permissions and misinformed rep, not proprietary tags – Boing Boing

So it wasn’t Amazons fault after all. Glad to hear it!

Challenge: figure out Amazon’s crazy-ass “proprietary” MP3 tagging system – Boing Boing

By , January 22, 2008 10:53 am

Challenge: figure out Amazon’s crazy-ass “proprietary” MP3 tagging system – Boing Boing

Instead of trying to figure it out, we need to not buy their product until they change their ways. Money talks, both in sales due to a smart merchant and in lost sales due to merchant stupidity. Sounds like Amazon is in the latter category yet once again. 👿

Cory Doctorow speaking at the Beijing Bookworm

By , September 22, 2007 9:00 pm

Cory Doctorow speaking at the Beijing Bookworm

Good way to spend an hour. 😉

Boing Boing: Universal Music CEO: iPod owners are thieves

By , November 13, 2006 10:27 am

Boing Boing: Universal Music CEO: iPod owners are thieves
“These devices are just repositories for stolen music, and they all know it,” UMG chairman/CEO Doug Morris says. “So it’s time to get paid for it.”

Pot/Kettle Kettle/Pot.  And how much of this extortion money will the artists actually see, Dougie???

GNUzilla – Summary [Savannah]

By , October 7, 2006 10:05 am

GNUzilla – Summary [Savannah]

The home to the GNU version (to be) of FireFox named IceWeasel.   Nothing here yet but a bit of text and some source code links but with Mozilla getting sh*tty about the logo and name this is the way to go.  Hope this works out.

Futuristic Sex robotz – F**K The MPAA (RIAA & BSA)

By , October 6, 2006 9:39 am

Not safe for work – Watch/Listen

Boing Boing: Day Against DRM — TODAY!

By , October 3, 2006 11:20 am

Boing Boing: Day Against DRM — TODAY!


Preach it in the streets!  End the insanity!  Free the content!


By , September 25, 2006 11:24 pm

The British Library Gets It!
Monday, September 25 2006 @ 04:04 PM EDT

Finally! Somebody gets it that DRM is altering the copyright law bargain, by not allowing fair dealing/fair use. And it’s the British Library that is speaking out and saying that the same rules of the road should apply in the digital world as they have always done. Copyright law includes fair use/fair dealing, and there will be incalculable damage if copyright law in the digital environment doesn’t retain those limitations on the copyright owner’s rights. The Library has issued an IP Manifesto [PDF]. I wish to say thank you to the British Library for issuing this document.

The IP Manifesto’s key recommendations include, quoting from the press release:

* Existing limitations and exceptions to copyright law should be extended to encompass unambiguously the digital environment;

* Licenses providing access to digital material should not undermine longstanding limitations and exceptions such as ‘fair dealing’;

* The right to copy material for preservation purposes – a core duty of all national libraries – should be extended to all copyrightable works;

* The copyright term for sound recordings should not be extended without empirical evidence of the benefits and due consideration of the needs of society as a whole;

* The US model for dealing with ‘orphan works’ should be considered for the UK;

* The length of copyright term for unpublished works should be brought into line with other terms (ie: life plus 70 years).

In other words, copyright law should not change in the digital environment, and if it doesn’t change, then fair dealing and fair use are just as applicable there.

Glad to see that there are some folks out there that are starting to fight back aginst the damn DRM crowd…

Is Ubuntu Linux a Sensible Alternative for Mac Users?

By , September 18, 2006 1:22 pm

Is Ubuntu Linux a Sensible Alternative for Mac Users?

I do and don’t agree with his reasoning. While it is true that Ubuntu and other linux variants that will work on the mac may not do things better or even easier than OS X, my biggest complaint is the DRM that is now entwined throughout Apples wonder os.

If you don’t like supporting a company that is doing its damnedist to take away your right to do what you like with files on your own machine, then YES make the move away from anything Apple as fast as you can.

I am still hanging on mainly because the airport software in Ubuntu wasn’t (5 days ago when I tried the latest release) (though to be honest I tried the latest Kubuntu so I guess I need to try Ubuntu now) able to connect at the distance that the native Mac OS X software would.

Actions > Mouth… I have just started downloading the latest Ubuntu to try. As soon as I can get the wifi thing working even close to what I am used to then bye-bye OS X and restrictive DRM!

Boing Boing: Microsoft Zune won’t play purchased Microsoft media files

By , September 15, 2006 1:57 pm

Boing Boing: Microsoft Zune won’t play purchased Microsoft media files

Not only Viral DRM but won’t play their own files. Now this is just REAL STUPID!  Is SCO running the R&D department for Micro$loth now?

Slashdot | Zune’s Viral DRM Will Violate Creative Commons

By , September 15, 2006 1:55 pm

Slashdot | Zune’s Viral DRM Will Violate Creative Commons

So they not only introduced a new av player but Viral DRM at the same time.  Total stupidity.  But it IS Micro$loth… 🙁

WWdN: In Exile: Apple gave me back all my lost music, free of charge

By , September 15, 2006 11:26 am

WWdN: In Exile: Apple gave me back all my lost music, free of charge

Well looks like at least one Apple employee reads Will’s blog, as after the last posting he was contacted and allowed to redownload his purchased music.  Good to read that he got it all back, but I will still not buy from or in any way support a company that uses DRM on files.  Just ain’t gonna do it…

Boing Boing: Amazon Unbox to customers: Eat shit and die

By , September 15, 2006 10:21 am

Boing Boing: Amazon Unbox to customers: Eat shit and die

Yep, that is just what their user agreement says.  But in a legal way of course.  Go and read the whole thing and remember to NEVER buy ANYTHING from Amazon Unbox!  This is the most restrictive piece of crap click and accept these terms that I have seen.  Idiots!!!

WWdN: In Exile: iTunes 7 ate all my purchased music. Awesome.

By , September 13, 2006 12:51 pm

WWdN: In Exile: iTunes 7 ate all my purchased music. Awesome.

Will is experiencing the JOY of DRM from Apple computer’s totally awsome(ly bad) iTunes store.  Did a sync and now all of his play lists are gone.  Poof!  No more.  You just got to hate it when that happens and after dumping quite a few bucks into it have nothing left but a bad taste in your mouth.

I don’t own an iPod but do have two iBooks.  However, when Apple started down the DRM path to total control, I quit updating my OS X’s and am waiting for Ubuntu to fix a couple of more things and then will wipe the DRM laden OS X from at least my iBook.  Cat may still use hers but then she still uses Winblows XP too.  Which I refuse to work on in either sense of the word.

I really do hope Will gets his music back, though according to Apple and Mircosloth the music they sell is not yours but only a rental.

Just remember, there is a LOT of FreeOpenSourceSoftware out there that doesn’t call you a crook and say NO if you want to play music on more than (insert # here)  authorized computers/devices.  And I don’t get pissed off at it near as much as I used to when using either Microsloth or Apple products… 😉

Boing Boing: Is it legal to look at the Web in Canada?

By , September 5, 2006 9:51 am

Boing Boing: Is it legal to look at the Web in Canada?

Total stupidity.  Teh whole freaking world is going DRM nuts.  Now by using DRM someone (?) is either going to charge all the Canadian schools a fee to use the internet or will kindly LET the poor little kiddies use it under a blanket educational license.  Soon ALL the data are gonna be belonging to someone and everyone will have to pay to see anything and have to use special equipment or software to do so because someone may look at WORDS without paying.

DRM Smackdown Day is October 3. You In? – Gizmodo

By , September 1, 2006 10:13 pm

DRM Smackdown Day is October 3. You In? – Gizmodo

DRM Smackdown Day

I’m in but not just on October 3. I don’t buy ANY media/music/movies that I can’t use when/where ever. I probably miss out on a lot that way but I feel better about myself… 😉

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