Category: Code

Supercharge Your Camera with Open-Source CHDK Firmware – Wired How-To Wiki

By , April 4, 2008 6:59 pm

Supercharge Your Camera with Open-Source CHDK Firmware – Wired How-To Wiki
Digital cameras have powers beyond what is immediately available to the user. On a standard Canon, for example, the fastest shutter speed option offered is 1/1,600 second, but the hardware can handle much more than that — up to 1/60,000 of a second.

CHDK, the Canon Hacker’s Development Kit, is an open-source software project that can be loaded on cameras using Canon’s DIGIC II or DIGIC III firmware platforms. It unleashes new features including RAW file format, live histogram display, a battery readout, and the ability to run scripted actions on a camera.

CHDK does not replace the existing firmware on your Canon, so the process is completely reversible. The existing firmware stays intact, while the CHDK software is loaded on demand from an SD card.

Makes me want to get a Canon camera and try this. Sounds quite interesting.

OOo Basic crash course: Creating a simple game using strings in a database

By , April 3, 2008 1:36 pm :: OOo Basic crash course: Creating a simple game using strings in a database

And a bit of OpenOffice frivolity to waste some time..

HTML Accent Entity Codes

By , January 24, 2008 4:06 pm

HTML Accent Entity Codes

Because I keep forgetting what and where they are when I look for them. 🙄

Technology news » Learn python in 10 minutes.

By , September 5, 2007 9:23 pm

Technology news » Learn python in 10 minutes.

Well first off you got to know how to program and have a bit of experience with other languages and second there isn’t any way you are gonna learn any language in 10 minutes. But this article will get you started with python and does a good job of getting the basics presented. Gonna have to spend some time rereading it. Probably a lot more than 10 minutes. 😉

blog gnist org – Synergy – two screens, two OSes

By , August 26, 2007 8:14 pm

blog gnist org – Synergy – two screens, two OSes

Have read about (and may have even posted about) synergy before but never tried it. Tis a good read and he does several things to ensure that no one snoops. Good pointers and code to go with them. When I get another monitor (ain’t giving my flat screen/iBook dual screen setup up) for the linux box and get it back up and running I’d like to try to set it up like this dude has done. Nice! Project details for HTTrack/WebHTTrack

By , June 19, 2007 1:27 pm Project details for HTTrack/WebHTTrack

Need to browse a site offline? Check this out.

FCKeditor – The text editor for Internet

By , June 19, 2007 1:21 pm

FCKeditor – The text editor for Internet

Interesting concept. Now if I can make time/energy to give it a try…

CorneliOS, the virtual web OS – Home

By , June 17, 2007 11:03 am

CorneliOS, the virtual web OS – Home

Now this sounds more like it. Web based multiuser OS with virtual file systems and applications. Another one I am gonna have to try out.

PCLOS 2007 testing release 2 is now out!

By , February 14, 2007 7:28 pm

Index of /pub/metalab/distributions/texstar/pclinuxos/live-cd/english/preview

PCLOS 2007 testing release 2 is now out!!! Downloading it now from the above link. 18 minutes to go… 😉

Web design tips & tricks

By , February 5, 2007 12:09 pm

Web design tips & tricks
Just that. Worth the link.

Programming in Malbolge

By , February 3, 2007 4:55 pm

Programming in Malbolge
Introduction to Malbolge
Malbolge, for those not familiar with it, is a language designed to be difficult (or perhaps impossible – until recently, there was not even an informal argument showing Turing completeness) to program in. For example, the effect of any instruction depends on where it is located in memory (mod 94, of course), all instructions are self-modifying (according to a permutation table) and both the code and data pointers are incremented after every instruction, making it hard to re-use any code or data. There is no way to initialize memory except to one of the 8 instruction characters, there is no LOAD or STORE operator, and the only available memory operators (both of them) work in trinary and are designed to be opaque. The only control flow construct is an unconditional computed jump, which is also nearly worthless since there is no way (or certainly no obvious way) to set memory to anything except the 8 instruction characters.

Okay, if they say so, but I sure as hell ain’t gonna try it…

Dump Linux now! | Free Software Magazine

By , November 28, 2006 9:44 pm

Dump Linux now! | Free Software Magazine

Interesting article.  And I must admint to trying more than one of the alternate os’s that he mentions.  Cool stuff!

IEEE Spectrum: The Firefox Kid

By , November 2, 2006 10:06 pm

IEEE Spectrum: The Firefox Kid
As he describes it, from a user’s point of view, Parakey is “a Web operating system that can do everything an OS can do.” Translation: it makes it really easy to store your stuff and share it with the world. Most or all of Parakey will be open source, under a license similar to Firefox’s.

Could change a lot of things.  Quite a lot of things.

GNUzilla – Summary [Savannah]

By , October 7, 2006 10:05 am

GNUzilla – Summary [Savannah]

The home to the GNU version (to be) of FireFox named IceWeasel.   Nothing here yet but a bit of text and some source code links but with Mozilla getting sh*tty about the logo and name this is the way to go.  Hope this works out.

Session Manager :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

By , September 20, 2006 2:43 pm

Session Manager :: Mozilla Add-ons :: Add Features to Mozilla Software

Just installed this and am hoping it works as advertised.  Am more than a little tired of having Firefox quit and loosing a ton of tabs that I havn’t gone through yet.

lf382, Applications: A toolchain for transformation from paper to HTML

By , September 17, 2006 10:20 am

lf382, Applications: A toolchain for transformation from paper to HTML

Good article on taking old books, scanning, OCR, modifying images and turning into html online docs.  Using old or at least older equipment and FOSS for the entire process.

Simple Invoices

By , September 9, 2006 11:16 pm

Simple Invoices

Mainly a bookmark for me.  Looks interesting and may be what I am looking for.  Then again so may a pad and pen.

Google Code – Updates: Announcing Tesseract OCR

By , September 5, 2006 9:35 am

Google Code – Updates: Announcing Tesseract OCR

Good show Google!   Now for the community to get this sucker ready for prime time.


By , August 29, 2006 8:05 pm


This is neat. Looks like software for medical enviroments is going GPL too. About time!

From the site:

neurALC is an open-source cross-platform software for the analysis of multi-electrode recordings. In the current version it supports experimental data files in the Neural Event Format (NEV 1.x, 2.0, 2.1), and offers functionality to reveal and analyze some of the information contained in such recordings. It is further intended as a kind of “catalyst” for the development of a free available cross-platform program for the analysis of electrophysiological recordings.

BackTrack: The gotta-have free security tool you’ve never heard of

By , August 29, 2006 8:01 pm

BackTrack: The gotta-have free security tool you’ve never heard of

The only network I am admin to is the one here at home but this looks too good to not get and try. Live-CD and Slackware based, GUI driven and loads of security tools.

Get it at:
BackTrack Downloads –

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