Posts tagged: Windows

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek

By , April 7, 2008 11:25 am

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek
In the wake of a widely publicized security breach that left thousands of patient records exposed, the federal government’s National Institutes of Health is forbidding all employees who use Apple’s MacBook laptops from handling sensitive data as of Friday, InformationWeek has learned.

Employees at the health agency who store medical records and other personal information on laptops must use systems that run either on Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)’s Windows operating system or Linux, according to an agency memo.

This is beyond words. Go, read the article, especially the comments. Typical top management CYA BS.

Speed Up Windows XP – Wired How-To Wiki

By , April 4, 2008 7:47 pm

Speed Up Windows XP – Wired How-To Wiki

And one more How-To from Wired. Even though I don’t use Windoze I know lots of folks that do and have to help some of them out from time to time so am once again posting the link here so I can find it later. 🙄

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