Posts tagged: Linux

Weary Wednesday

By , April 9, 2008 11:24 pm

Was a bit tired and sore from the day yesterday so didn’t do any more out and about the farm today but managed to spend the day doing stuff inside instead. Got an email from the Nero Wolfe mail list the content of which reminded me that I hadn’t updated WordPress on my Nero Wolfe site yet. So I go and do that. While there I realize that it’s been months and I STILL haven’t finished scanning the rest of the book covers and getting them uploaded nor all the other housekeeping things that have needed doing on that site. One of the problems with the scanning is that the computer that I use for that is in the wrong building. (See where this is going yet?) So I figure where in this already over crowded room I can put a computer desk and everything that goes with it. Move several boxes of books and shift several dozen others and a large coffee table and finally clear an area large enough to move in the computer desk. Once I clear it off. 🙄 Clean it off and get it moved, and the computer, monitor, scanner, and ups. Get it all hooked up and then realize that the ethernet is gonna have to be moved too. Duh. 🙄 No biggie as it turns out as I had already put another line in that was much too long and had coiled the extra up, just have to unhook it all as the coil is at the wrong end of the line. Gotta love the little challenges that life throws at you from time to time. Anyhow, that’s where most of the day went.

Ate supper then got out and stirred the fire from yesterday back into life and added some more scrap wood and broken limbs to it so maybe it will finish burning. Twas dark by then so came back in and scanned one book and figured out how to use the command line OCR program on the linux box. And learned a bit more about Gimp in the process of getting the pnm file to a true black and white so the ocr software will actually find the text instead of giving me a page of i’s and l’s and j’s. But now I can scan a page and only spend a few minutes correcting the mistakes 😀 instead of having to type it all in by hand. Bit by bit I think I’m getting closer. And I only have another 70 or 80 covers to scan in in the Wolfe series. 😯

It’s late and I am beat. Will see what the morrow brings when it gets here. Till then… 😎

Etymology of a Linux distro | Royal HeHe2-ness!

By , April 7, 2008 3:52 pm

Etymology of a Linux distro | Royal HeHe2-ness!

A distro by any other name. 😉

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek

By , April 7, 2008 11:25 am

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek
In the wake of a widely publicized security breach that left thousands of patient records exposed, the federal government’s National Institutes of Health is forbidding all employees who use Apple’s MacBook laptops from handling sensitive data as of Friday, InformationWeek has learned.

Employees at the health agency who store medical records and other personal information on laptops must use systems that run either on Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)’s Windows operating system or Linux, according to an agency memo.

This is beyond words. Go, read the article, especially the comments. Typical top management CYA BS.

Linus versus GNOME

By , April 5, 2008 5:14 pm

Linus versus GNOME

Now I understand why I don’t like GNOME. God knows I’ve tried MANY times to use it, on several different distros, and never been able to get past the fact that I couldn’t get there from here. There were always things I COULD do in KDE, EASILY that were seemingly impossible in GNOME. Now after reading the article I understand that one of the underlying principle of GNOME is to make things EASY by REMOVING options. HUH??? Sorry folks but that AIN’T the way I work and now that I understand that is the way GNOME is MEANT to be I won’t try waste my time with it again. IMHO Linus is right and GNOME is wrong. Options SHOULD be easy to both find and change. Taking away the users ability to change things is one of the big mistakes I’ve seen MicroSloth making more and more with each new version of their OS and one of the reasons I moved to Linux. I really hate to see any Linux distro and/or desktop being dumbed down like this! But now that I know what the problem is I will make sure to point out that if you want to be able to make your own decision’s just use KDE. Simple enough. Thanks again Linus!

Intel shuns Microsoft, taps Linux for mobile Net devices | Tech news blog – CNET

By , April 4, 2008 6:53 pm

Intel shuns Microsoft, taps Linux for mobile Net devices | Tech news blog – CNET

Keep screwing your customers and partners long enough and they WILL turn on you, as MicroSloth is learning, or should be by now.

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