Category: Linux

Kubuntu impressions

By , April 9, 2008 11:40 am

Writing this on the Linux machine running on the Kubuntu LiveCD with KDE 4 beta and so far I am impressed. It found all the bits and bobs and booted right up. Doesn’t have Firefox so went into Konqueror and then to Gmail and it loaded right in which I have had trouble with in the past (though haven’t tried recently). Opened a new tab and went to (here) and everything looks just fine.

Plugged the Belkin Wifi adapter into the USB and it came right up. Didn’t connect but still found it with no trouble which PCLOS refuses to do for some reason. Unplugged the ethernet and clicked on the network icon in the toolbar at the bottom right of the screen (after not being able to find any network stuff in the start menu) and it brought up a window with tabs that allowed me to select the wirless and it connected right off with a good 54 mbps connection. reconnected the ethernet and disconnected the wireless and it switched right back over. Good enough! 😎

Lots of my usual apps missing but that looks like only a install away. Gonna get another machine from the Yard Sale Trailer and install it to the hard drive and give it a try. Looks like they have gotten the things that used to bug me worked out with this upcoming release.

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek

By , April 7, 2008 11:25 am

U.S. Health Agency Forbids Sensitive Data On Apple MacBooks — Security — InformationWeek
In the wake of a widely publicized security breach that left thousands of patient records exposed, the federal government’s National Institutes of Health is forbidding all employees who use Apple’s MacBook laptops from handling sensitive data as of Friday, InformationWeek has learned.

Employees at the health agency who store medical records and other personal information on laptops must use systems that run either on Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT)’s Windows operating system or Linux, according to an agency memo.

This is beyond words. Go, read the article, especially the comments. Typical top management CYA BS.

Linus versus GNOME

By , April 5, 2008 5:14 pm

Linus versus GNOME

Now I understand why I don’t like GNOME. God knows I’ve tried MANY times to use it, on several different distros, and never been able to get past the fact that I couldn’t get there from here. There were always things I COULD do in KDE, EASILY that were seemingly impossible in GNOME. Now after reading the article I understand that one of the underlying principle of GNOME is to make things EASY by REMOVING options. HUH??? Sorry folks but that AIN’T the way I work and now that I understand that is the way GNOME is MEANT to be I won’t try waste my time with it again. IMHO Linus is right and GNOME is wrong. Options SHOULD be easy to both find and change. Taking away the users ability to change things is one of the big mistakes I’ve seen MicroSloth making more and more with each new version of their OS and one of the reasons I moved to Linux. I really hate to see any Linux distro and/or desktop being dumbed down like this! But now that I know what the problem is I will make sure to point out that if you want to be able to make your own decision’s just use KDE. Simple enough. Thanks again Linus!

OLPC computers on their way to Birmingham, Ala.

By , April 5, 2008 4:50 pm

OLPC computers on their way to Birmingham, Ala.
Anyone who has thought that, as nice as the Linux-powered One Laptop Per Child computers are for the target market of third-world children, they’d also make a lot of sense for U.S. kids too, is in good company. The mayor of Birmingham, Ala., Larry Langford, had the same thought and the result is that the city will be deploying 15,000 OLPCs to its school system.

So cool that an Alabama city is the first in the US to do this! This news is a month or more old but I just found this post on it and had to share. Hope it works out for them.

Intel shuns Microsoft, taps Linux for mobile Net devices | Tech news blog – CNET

By , April 4, 2008 6:53 pm

Intel shuns Microsoft, taps Linux for mobile Net devices | Tech news blog – CNET

Keep screwing your customers and partners long enough and they WILL turn on you, as MicroSloth is learning, or should be by now.

Business Edition Linux

By , April 2, 2008 9:20 pm

Main Page – Business Edition Linux

Gonna have to set up a machine with this on it just to play around with. Looks like what I have been looking for in a home server.

SliTaz GNU/Linux, the Smallest “Desktop” Distro Ever Created

By , April 2, 2008 9:04 pm

TECH SOURCE FROM BOHOL: SliTaz GNU/Linux, the Smallest “Desktop” Distro Ever Created

Don’t think it’s the smallest desktop distro ever created but it does sound interesting enough to download and try out. I know where I can get an old IBM Thinkpad that this would be about right for. Will have to pick one up and see how it runs on there.

15 years in the making, Wine 1.0 is in sight

By , April 2, 2008 8:44 pm

15 years in the making, Wine 1.0 is in sight

Talk about a LONG development/testing cycle to get to 1.0… 😯 😉

Why Wal-Mart won’t have Linux desktops on its store shelves

By , April 2, 2008 8:37 pm

Why Wal-Mart won’t have Linux desktops on its store shelves
Here’s what I found out. Customers did want to buy the computer, but they, and all too often the workers, were thoroughly confused because the PCs came with Linux and not Windows. The word “clueless” comes quickly to mind.

But let’s be realistic here. How much technical expertise do you think an average Wal-Mart customer, or any ordinary U.S. citizen, really has anyway? The one technically adept customer service representative I met told me, “These are the same people who really can’t tell the difference between the computer and its software. At best, they know they need Windows to run Quicken, Office and games. That’s it.”

Kinda what I figured had happened. But the Linux boxes are still available from WalMart online which is certainly better than them dropping the line completely.

PCLOS TinyMe – Nothing Tiny With This Little Fella

By , April 2, 2008 7:52 pm

PCLOS TinyMe – Nothing Tiny With This Little Fella

Gonna download TinyMe and give it a try. I have liked PCLOS since I first tried it and run it now on my Linux box but have several older machines that I would like to be able to use from time to time which don’t have enough memory or hard drive space for the full distro.

The best Linux system repair disk graduates to 1.0

By , April 2, 2008 7:39 pm

The best Linux system repair disk graduates to 1.0

Looks like I may have a pile of machines to reinstall/repair so am downloading this now.

Yanking the Window Shade – Blog of helios

By , January 25, 2008 10:31 pm

Yanking the Window Shade – Blog of helios

Helios is still fighting the good fight! Educating the Geek Squad about linux! Give em hell, Helios! 😎

FreeNAS: The Free NAS Server

By , January 24, 2008 4:11 pm

FreeNAS: The Free NAS Server

The above link takes you to the WIKI where all the docs and user guides and such are located. Don’t know why I have had such a hard time finding it / figuring out where the info is other than most distros have a link that says Documentation… 🙄

PlexNex: Today’s Lesson: Do Not F**k with the Negroponte Brothers

By , January 13, 2008 10:09 am

PlexNex: Today’s Lesson: Do Not F**k with the Negroponte Brothers

Interesting slant on OLPC and the Intel mess. It’ll be a hoot if they do manage to drag Gates and micro$loth into it. 😈

Tux Untangled: A Gateway Distro That’s Easy to Use

By , January 11, 2008 9:56 am

Tux Untangled: A Gateway Distro That’s Easy to Use

If the current trend of folks bringing laptops to the games and logging onto the network/internet continues I may have to try this out. Would entail getting another computer to do the job but guess that’s the price of fame.

From the article looks like it would be nice to use even with just us online.

PC Weenies: You installed Linux didn’t you!

By , September 26, 2007 9:36 am

PC Weenies: You installed Linux didn’t you!

And the dude with the faulty laptop hinge not only gets his money back but also makes it to PC Weenies! Cool!

dreamstate – Currently ranting about PC World

By , September 25, 2007 7:17 pm

dreamstate – Currently ranting about PC World
Refund for me! PC World buckle to the pressure.

Looks like PC World backed off and gave him a full refund! Great to hear that public/internet opinion made a difference in this case. What’s so bad is that it took this long and this much bad publicity to get anything done. Maybe the next time someone comes in with a similar problem they’ll just fix it and shit can the “Linux is installed so you got no hardware warranty” attitude…

Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster

By , August 31, 2007 10:56 am

Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster

Interesting little cluster! This link via email from Steve who is at work and can’t post. Thanks Steve! Love the Monty Python poster on the wall behind the desk in one of the pictures! Cool stuff!

blog gnist org – Synergy – two screens, two OSes

By , August 26, 2007 8:14 pm

blog gnist org – Synergy – two screens, two OSes

Have read about (and may have even posted about) synergy before but never tried it. Tis a good read and he does several things to ensure that no one snoops. Good pointers and code to go with them. When I get another monitor (ain’t giving my flat screen/iBook dual screen setup up) for the linux box and get it back up and running I’d like to try to set it up like this dude has done. Nice!

Absolute Home

By , August 8, 2007 10:48 pm

Absolute Home

Think I will give this a try on an old machine and see how it does. Still waiting on the spirit to move me to reinstall/repair the PCLOS install on my main linux machine but with the heat making outside or anywhere except in airconditioning unavailable to me, may take a while tomorrow afternoon and play with another os/machine.

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