So, what’s the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? | The Register
So, what’s the velocity of a sheep in a vacuum? | The Register
The standard unit of area shall be the nanoWales, defined as 1nWa, representing 0.0000207km2 or 20.78m2, 5.195 Thai talang wah or 28.99 Old Spanish square vara. The microWales, milliWales and Wales (Wa) are, naturally, accepted multiples of the base nanoWales.
* Football pitch = 194.89nWa
* Wales = 1,000,000,000nWa
* Belgium = 1.47Wa
* Democratic Republic of Congo = 113.3Wa
* Known universe (rolled out flat) = 19468502x1012x10256Wa
Steve alerted me to this one (Wish he would post them himself 🙂 ). Thanks dude! Funny as h e double toothpicks…
I would be GLAD to post, but my poster button doesn’t work anymore (it dates back a few iterations), and I can’t remember how to do it manually. So many tasks, so little time…I’m in the middle of cleaning/upgrading/redesigning the computer room right now, AAMOF…
If I COULD post, though, I would DEFINITELY have posted the one about the dwarf, the superglue, and the vacumn cleaner hose…I mean, how many times are you going to get a chance to post about something like THAT?!?!
Just sent you a current version of the button at your cableone address.
If you need to post without being on a machine where you have it installed just login (bottom of right hand column), go to new post and get a copy from the bottom of the page.