Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 2, 2010 4:22 pm

Guess I’m gonna have to build it now that I see what my requirements are. πŸ™‚

And yes, I know I could build a one off but I’d rather have one that would be reusable and work the way I want it to.

Breakfast done. Mustache waxed. 3rd cup of coffee by the keyboard. Now to see if I can find or build a service invoice I can live with.

Just realized I need to wax the mustache so I’m not drinking the coffee “through” it. Back after a quick waxing.

Some better this morning. Still not even close to 100% but only on second cup of coffee.

Think I am gonna call it an early(ish) night and hit the sack. So till tomorrow, folks… πŸ˜‰

Hoping after the naps today I can sleep tonight. Sure feel tired enough. And if the rain keeps up for a while it should help.

Supper done. Still trying to find a easy to use OOo invoice for a service/repair shop. Tis proving to be an elusive critter.

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