Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 12, 2010 8:40 pm

Real heavy large flakes here north west of Weaver, with 2 measured inches on boards out back. Have now cleared the carport roofs 6 times.

@ScionBoo Was just wondering if yall had any snow down there yet. Just measured here and now have 2 inches on boards out back.

Removed the snow from the buildings again. Getting quite a pile at the side. Snow is getting heaver again, but temp is up to 33.3.

Hoping it will start falling off by it’s self. Hit a milestone with this tweet at # 1000! Guess that means I am blathering too much… πŸ˜‰

Have cleaned the temp carport roofs 3 times now. About once every 45 minutes it seems like. Snow is much smaller and harder now.

Snow not as deep as I thought. Just measured on hard surface and is 3/4 + inch. Lotta drifts much deeper. Temp has dropped to 32.7F

Cleared off the top of the temp carports with tarp side room twice already and need to do it again soon. An inch + on the ground already.

@spann Wet heavy snow now falling north west of Weaver. Temp has dropped from 36 to 34.5 in the last 15 minutes. #alwx

Still no snow here in the outskirts of Weaver, AL. Radar is showing it but suspect it’s virga at this point as the air is dry.

Tis coffee so must be morning. Very gray out but no snow as of yet. At least not here. Radar showing stuff all around but no white here.

And if not there’s plenty of fuel for the chain saw. For now am gonna call it a night, so till tomorrow folks… πŸ˜‰

Will believe it when I see it, though looks like Texas got hard hit today. Think we have enough wood for a few extra cold days.

Looks like we’re in for some snow after all. Supposed to get here somewhere after 6 am and last for 8 + hours. 1 to 4 inch accumulation.

Food consumed. Feeling better but less inclined to go back into the cold to do anything that can wait till tomorrow. Or the next day.

Much warmer now. Food heating in microwave. Wondering about going back out after supper to finish frame. Will decide when we get through.

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