Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 4, 2010 8:06 pm

Getting ready to go out into the chill rainy day. Got to go by my folks house to get some stuff and then to Wally World for other things.

Tis morning. With coffee. And rain. Didn’t beat the rain in getting up so no additional gravel and that I already got is still wet.

New post on comment spam.

Tis late and I am hitting the sack, so till the morrow folks. πŸ˜‰

Been a day. Tired out and then some. Hoping I can move tomorrow before the rain comes in so I can get another load of creek gravel in.

Have ladder rungs up one side but will be easier to do the work with it on the ground rather than me hanging off the ladder 20 ft up.

Going to have to put a spark arrester screen around the top of the flue. Will most likely drop the support tower to do the work.

Back from store. Supper cooked and eaten. Fire from sky outside window checked and nothing burning. Another flue fire which is NOT good.

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