Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 23, 2010 9:26 pm

After getting the tractor cranked, trailer unloaded, chainsaw and tools loaded. Would rather not do any of it but with the cold coming…

WW trip done, stuff returned, and cash received. Piedmont visited and truckload of boxes dropped off. Now to change shoes and cut firewood.

Gonna eat lunch, then make a run to WW to return some stuff, and then take this load to Piedmont. Hoping to get the shelves up there soon.

Another truck load boxed up, loaded and ready to roll. Still lots more to box before the shelves in the qhut can come down.

Now to finish cleaning the shelves in the front off and loading the truck. After just one more cup of coffee…

Rotated drum a couple of times and got the belt seated then screwed the front in place and tried it. Works as it did but much quieter. πŸ™‚

Came back and with much grunting and other old man sounds got down in floor and replaced it. Got the drum back in place and front on.

Still feeling like crap but been doing anyway. Took the drier apart. Removed rollers and tensioner and lubed everything. Went and got belt.

So far coffee is NOT helping any… πŸ™

Feel like crap this morning. Need to go take a load to Piedmont though. Will see how I feel after breakfast.

What doesn’t go to the Piedmont store or to the recycle center’s gonna get burned or buried. Clearing the trailer out and selling it.

Still lots of stuff to clear off the shelves but I think we can pile it somewhere in there till the shelves come down.

Paperback books off shelves in main hall and all boxed up. About half of the Readers Digests that we used for spacers boxed.

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