Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 18, 2010 4:56 pm

Just turned off the onboard intel audio on the linux box and put in a SoundBlaster board. And Skype now works right. For a change. πŸ˜‰

Quite chill in here this morning. Fire has been being stubborn all night. Guess I need to sweep the flue again. Will do that after while.

But it’s still going. So am letting it run. Am gonna start looking for another drive asap.

But toward the end of the sectors slowed and is crunch a sector between 5 and 30 minutes each now. Been doing it at this speed all night.

TechTool Deluxe is still slogging away on the internal drive. Seems to be a large section that’s bad as it ran fast for a long time.

After restarting and clearing history its running fairly fast again. Think it had gotten clogged. Telling me 8 minutes but it LIES!

Tis morning again and the laptop repairs are still going. πŸ™ I stopped disk utility on the external drive as it had slowed to a crawl.

So figure on sometime tomorrow morning if lucky. For now am gonna go and throw some more wood on the fire, then a bit more browsing and bed.

The backup drive is showing 8 hours till done. The internal is not showing a time but is most likely gonna be about the same.

Got home a while back. Been catching up on the world. Repairs still going on both hard drives on the iBooks.

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