Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 11, 2010 9:49 pm

Still got to finish unloading, cutting and splitting the firewood. Tractor put up. Trying to find the initiative to get back up and do it.

Back in after a session on the tractor, pulling metal posts, collecting scrap, and cutting firewood. So much to do, so little energy…

Update of OOo was a success! Wizard is now working AND I’ve gotten a much later version of the software.

Version of OOo that I had (3.0.1 PPC) kept freezing on Base Wizard, so downloading a newer version to try again. Keeping fingers crossed.

Fire being stubborn about getting going n warming place up this morning. Coffee starting to do its job. Eyes almost open and tracking now.

Tis morning once again. Sucker comes too early some days. Or I was up too late. Coffee almost ready.

Gonna watch a bit more of the 1948 Superman and then read a bit. Till later, folks.

Went to the folks for a bit, then WW for stuff and back home. Unloaded, put up, rebuilt fire, fed felines, browsed, did supper, now resting.

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