Fresh From Twitter today

By , February 24, 2010 11:59 pm

Did the thrift store run to see about a entertainment console but the ones they had were either too messed up or expensive or both.

fix it rather than replacing it with a $8 + part with only a few weeks of use needed this heating season.

Went up the ladder a few minutes before dark to replace the connector. Found the old one had a bad rivet so am gonna try to use a screw and

Then may go out and look for used/thrift store units. Lunch is ready so back later…

Fixing to eat lunch then take the flue down and replace the rusted out connector and put it back together. Or that’s the plan.

Back from getting a new connector for the flue, and running around hunting a decent entertainment console. Still looking for that.

Have about decided to mostly take the day off. Hands, wrists, and arms are not happy with me so guess I need to at least slow down today.

Without them we have to move everything several hundred feet inside the PDM building which is not bad for boxes but the shelf parts = pain.

Or that’s the current plan. Still got a lot of stuff to box and shelves to tear down and move. Kinda waiting for the door keys.

Am up and not quite as sore as I thought I’d be. Need to get some more wood cut and as the rain/snow didn’t get to us will do that.

Type at yall in the morning. If I can move the digits that is… πŸ˜‰

Have taken stuff for aches and pains. Still waiting for it to take effect. Think I will go on to bed and hope it will work its magic soon.

@ScionBoo Thanks for the heads up yesterday. Went and filled up then and still got the weekend prices. Today they were up 5 to 12 cents.

Guess we got somewhere around 2 face cords or maybe 2/3 of a full cord. Was hoping to get a full cord today but with the cold and rocks. πŸ™

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