Sunday at the homestead

By , June 1, 2008 10:26 pm

Didn’t get out today. Or not off the property anyway. Did get outside a time or two but soon returned to the couch or computer. Got some of the books we bought Friday put on the shelves or piled in the to-sell piles. Still got about half of them to go. Did a bit on a couple of websites and that’s about all. Tomorrows another day. Will see what it brings. Till then… 😉

The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers

By , June 1, 2008 10:55 am

The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers

I can certainly think of the 7+ weedy sins of the garden but knowing how to cleanse my garden of these weeds is even better. Especially if it can be done cheaply and with household items. Murdering weeds is a fun past time.

So, for your reading enjoyment, here are The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers, guaranteed to help you eradicate the weeds you find in your garden.

Good list of mostly nontoxic ways to kill weeds.

Boiling water is also a good nontoxic way to kill red ant hills. Just put a (long) stick in the center of the hill and move it in a circle to make a funnel shaped hole in the center and quickly pour the boiling water into the hole so it spreads throughout the hill and gets the queen and eggs as well as most of the workers.

The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers

By , June 1, 2008 10:54 am

The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers

I can certainly think of the 7+ weedy sins of the garden but knowing how to cleanse my garden of these weeds is even better. Especially if it can be done cheaply and with household items. Murdering weeds is a fun past time.

So, for your reading enjoyment, here are The 7 Deadly Homemade Weed Killers, guaranteed to help you eradicate the weeds you find in your garden.

Good list of mostly nontoxic ways to kill weeds.

Boiling water is also a good nontoxic way to kill red ant hills. Just put a (long) stick in the center of the hill and move it in a circle to make a funnel shaped hole in the center and quickly pour the boiling water into the hole so it spreads throughout the hill and gets the queen and eggs as well as most of the workers.

Hidden Drawers – Articles at Woodcraft

By , June 1, 2008 10:33 am

Hidden Drawers – Articles at Woodcraft

Some interesting hidden drawers shown. The article is mainly an advertisement for the book Complete Illustrated Guide To Furniture & Cabinet Construction but shows a couple of interesting designs with enough detail to get the idea of how they are made. Neat stuff.

Hidden Drawers – Articles at Woodcraft

By , June 1, 2008 10:31 am

Hidden Drawers – Articles at Woodcraft

Some interesting hidden drawers shown. The article is mainly an advertisement for the book Complete Illustrated Guide To Furniture & Cabinet Construction but shows a couple of interesting designs with enough detail to get the idea of how they are made. Neat stuff.

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