Sunday after a hard Saturday

By , June 29, 2008 9:19 pm

In which I got nothing much done. Not too sore but can certainly tell I worked fairly hard yesterday. Back is still a bit warmish from the sun but doesn’t seem to be burned, at least not to the point of peeling.

We did get a bit of rain this afternoon. Not much, about a tenth of an inch but was better than nothing. Plants seemed to enjoy it and I didn’t have to get out there and water them again this afternoon. Got out long enough between showers to put down some bricks and rocks where the rain splashes coming off the roof. Going to have to put in a cable or chain for it to run down. Also gonna have to get some gravel to put into the landing area to keep down some of the erosion.

Cat is back so planning on going to Gadsden tomorrow to get the D-Ribose and hit some of the thrift shops. Was an early morning today so am gonna make it an early one tonight. Till tomorrow…

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