Another long hot Alabama day

By , June 9, 2008 9:23 pm

Went out this am and mailed out some ebay stuff then went and paid bills. After that went by the Salvation Army and picked up a few books then made a few thrift shop and antique mall stops where we just looked and enjoyed their ac (what of it there was). Stopped at Dollar Tree in Lenlock for some stuff and then home for the day. Did supper and a bit of reading of feeds and am about to call it an early night. Till tomorrow… 😉

New rocket car spotted in Silver Lake

By , June 9, 2008 10:50 am

New rocket car spotted in Silver Lake | Los Angeles Metblogs

Just hit the link and look. Then click on the Baron Margo link either here or there and look at some of the Baron’s other works. This is some serious heavy metal porn… 😉

New rocket car spotted in Silver Lake

By , June 9, 2008 10:48 am

New rocket car spotted in Silver Lake | Los Angeles Metblogs

Just hit the link and look. Then click on the Baron Margo link either here or there and look at some of the Baron’s other works. This is some serious heavy metal porn… 😉

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