Cart Bike – Instructables
Interesting idea. I’d have to make a few major changes though.
First I’d remove the 4 small shopping cart wheels and instead add 2 20″ or larger wheels at the balance point of the cart. Then I’d bend the forks out to where they could be bolted or welded to the metal tubes of the cart. The angle of the steering tube of the bike might also need to be changed so that it was straight up and down to allow for better steering control when cornering.
Overall not bad for a first attempt.
Federal agency rejects enhanced oversight of genetic tests
In a decision that places cost concerns above public health, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has rejected a petition filed by a coalition of health and consumer groups calling for the agency to strengthen standards for genetic testing laboratories. Citing cost concerns, the agency told petitioners in a recent letter that it would not pursue the safety standards.
Considering the emphasis that the current administration places on money this move doesn’t surprise me. Though it does piss me off a bit more than I already was at their total disregard for the future health and well being of the folks that were stupid enough to put them in power in the first place.
Microwulf: A Personal, Portable Beowulf Cluster
Interesting little cluster! This link via email from Steve who is at work and can’t post. Thanks Steve! Love the Monty Python poster on the wall behind the desk in one of the pictures! Cool stuff!
Popeye’s Last Supper – Boing Boing
The painting is cool, but comment #2 is funny as hell! Good stuff all the way around!
Internet Archive: Details: The Shadow – Old Time Radio
Just finished (last night) downloading the last of the shows. Now have all 98 of them on my local hard drive! And it looks like they will fit on a single CD! Haven’t listened to but one of them yet but seem to be as good or better than I remember them to be from the 70’s audio tape version. Good old time radio stuff!
SCO CEO McBride Speaks Out On Novell, Finances, And Groklaw — SCO — InformationWeek
Every time I read an article that quotes McBride I wonder what color the sky is in his world, and what happened to his flapper…
Science Fiction Writers of America abuses the DMCA – Boing Boing
First the RIAA then the MPAA and now the SFWA are abusing the DMCA. This is a good read about a bad problem that isn’t going away and in fact seems to be getting a LOT worse.
The one good thing that I noted as I finished reading the article is that Boing Boing now has comments! At last!
Several of the comments about this latest atrocity are by Sci-Fi writers and for the most part they aren’t at all pleased by the actions of the SFWA. Only one (at the time I read this prior to posting) thought it was a good thing but the guy didn’t give his full name so who knows if it was an actual author or just a troll.
As much as I hate lawyers, I think the authors that have been affected by this stupid act need to file suit against the SFWA and the person who caused this. Don’t know if it will do any good but it might add a bit more fuel to the anti-DMCA movement.
Groklaw – Sweden’s SIS Declares OOXML Vote Invalid – Will Change Vote from Yes to Abstain
Seems that Micro$loth’s vote fixing hijinks has caused Sweden to reexamine the process and declare the vote invalid. I don’t think they are winning any friends with this stupid and costly behavior.
If they would just put the money that they waste on crap like this into making products that are simple, effective and generally usable then they wouldn’t have to lie, misrepresent and bribe their way into getting folks to buy and use their products.
Put a Double Entendre in Your Garden (TreeHugger)
All jokes aside, they put the liquid spout on the wrong side… 😉
Nina Burleigh: Satan’s in the Stall Beside Me – Politics on The Huffington Post
The demise of mountain state Republican Senator Larry Craig amuses those of us who enjoy watching right-wing heroes crash to the ground, spiked on their own hypocrisy. It further confirms my theory: prick any conservative and the kink oozes out. The rockier the rib, the more likely you’ll find pink lingerie under the trousers or a bullwhip and manacles in the bedside drawer. You can bet those Beltway dominatrices, madams and escorts (gay and straight) have been able to buy second homes — maybe even in Sun Valley! — with their haul during W’s reign.
Snicker, snicker, chortle. And the rest of the article is just as good if not better. I just love seeing those conservative sexually suppressed republicans getting their kink dragged out into the open like this. Two faced asshats!
Groklaw – Microsoft Memo to Partners in Sweden Surfaces: Vote Yes for OOXML
And once again Micro$loth proves how they prefer to buy their way through life rather than get off their collective arses and actually produce a good solid product that folks will WANT to use. Asshats…
Less is More: Grilliput Grill Weighs Less than One Pound (TreeHugger)
Interesting concept. Not so sure of the practicality of this thing. If I counted correctly there are 18 (not counting end cap(s)) seperate pieces that make it up. 12 (at least) of which are gonna get quite dirty and greasy. I realize that it has a built in cleaner for the actual grilling rods but I just don’t see it being a long term usable product. It looks to me to be one of those impulse buys that get used once or twice and tossed in the back closet to never be used again.
I haven’t tried this yet but plan to. It allows one to use a single set of bookmarks on all the machines you use no matter where you are. Mozilla only (I think). Hope the actuality is as good as the concept.
Panasonic Electric Rug Might Save A Lot of Energy (TreeHugger)
I’d like to try one of these. It makes a LOT of sense as if the feet are warm the rest of the body will be at least a lot warmer. Guess we will have to wait and see if they release it in the US or if it will be a Japanese only product.
Man’s Best Friend: ‘The Device’ – All-In-One Beer Making Machine – Gizmodo
It looks impressive and from the article was rather expensive to build but I personally don’t see wasting all the time and energy on something that is gonna have to be taken apart and cleaned on a regular basis. Or maybe there is an auto clean function here that I missed. Whatever turns their cranks and knobs…
Slashdot | TorrentSpy Must Preserve Data In RAM For MPAA
It would be so nice if judges on tech cases had at least SOME idea what the hell they were dealing with. Idiots…
FSF – Microsoft cannot declare itself exempt from the requirements of GPLv3
That’s just not the way licensing works. And Microsloths legal department knows this. Idiots.
Awoke this am to a non functioning iBook hard drive.
After a while with a bottle of ice applied to the outside of the case got the temp down enough to get it back running. Shortly after that went down again. Been having problems with this drive off and on for a while so decided to boot from the external firewire drive. Again with the ice and after a while got it up and going on external drive. Which is what I am running on now.
Guess I will try to replace the internal drive with the broken 80 gb drive that “someone” has left here for a while. Not looking forward to the surgery at all. From what is shown at it looks to be a real pain in the arse. No real rhyme nor reason for them (Apple) to have used 3 different types of screws nor as many of them. Nor is there ANY reason (other than designer stupidity) for the hard drive to be this difficult to get to. But it is and I bought it so I get to try to salvage it.
If I am back on today that means either I decided to continue running on the external drive or I managed to get the internal replaced and going. Or I decided to see if I could get the Linux box back up and going. Or something.
Not a good day for this for me either mentally or physically but computer breakdown wait for no one to feel better…