New Year – New Theme
Saw this theme Paalam over at Gordo’s Brain and liked several things about it. Grabbed a copy and with a quick delete or two and some modifying of the image for the header, made it mine. Now to tweak it some more. Cool theme.
Saw this theme Paalam over at Gordo’s Brain and liked several things about it. Grabbed a copy and with a quick delete or two and some modifying of the image for the header, made it mine. Now to tweak it some more. Cool theme.
The Raw Story | Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US
More power to them! Makes me think about moving…
Using Smilies « WordPress Codex
Meant to link to this page in the earlier post but failed to do so and am now correcting that error. This is the site and page that I got the info on using Smilies in WordPress.
Bicycle Design: A bicycle-powered welder
So what do you get when you put a bicycle, a 300 lb steam engine flywheel, a old lathe, and a jack together? These folks made a welder. Kinda sorta. As they say tis about the worst looking weld ever but tis there none the less.
The smiley images and the text that produces them in posts and comments:
And no, you can’t cut and paste. I had to do a screen capture to get this to display. 😈
Panorama Theme by Themocracy