Saturdays done
Got the fender beat out and close to straight. Wheel well and headlight deck pulled back into place with the application of a 8 foot long, 7 inch diameter cedar pole, a logging chain, and a come-along. Replaced the broken chain with a newer section and some bolts and nuts. Put a rod through the headlight hole and attached the chain around it then hooked the come-along to the chain. Tied the far end of the log to a chain and the other end of the chain to the frame on the other side of the front of the truck. Other end of come-along to hook embedded in the end of the log. Ratched the come-along and picked the end of the log up to about 3 feet. Took hold and bounced it till most of the wrinkles pulled out. Moved the tie point to by the frame mount and did it again. Beat a bit more here and there and is close enough.
Beat on the fender to fit and bolted it back on. Hammering and bending as necessary. Took an hour and a half to get it back to close to right. Lotta beating going on and my arms and hands are telling me about it.
Was working on the air dam when Boat came to get the Pathfinder. Found a broken bushing clamp under the rear end of the thing. Located a suitable piece of steel and with liberal application of pliers (large 15″ slip joints) and hammers and the vice reshaped it to fit the bushing. Used the Bridgeport to drill the holes. Love it every time I use it, like using a piece of history. Found bolts and installed the clamp. It worked and we were both happy. 😎 He left.
I went back to work on the Toyota. Installed the headlight mount, headlight, and trim with running light. Bill installed the side marker light. I got the air dam mounted and shaped about like it used to be lo those many years ago. Got the replacement bumper beat out some and the blinker bolts cut out with the air chisel. Now to figure out how to replace the blinker housings or build 2 working ones out of the pieces of 4 we have. Think we need new sockets.
Still got to replace the inner fender skirt, undercoat the areas that the paint is peeled off and spray the bare metal on the outside of the finder with primer then white paint. Last bit is to install the grill which is off another truck in the yard. And it will be done. I hope.
Came in, ate, built a fire, started writing about another dull but at least somewhat productive day.
Sorry to hear about the computer death, Steve. Always painful even when expected but especially when upgrading.
Speaking of computers, the new under $200 machine from Walmart looks like a nice machine for basic internet uses according to a review at Groklaw. None in this area, yea I had to check. Need another machine for use at the YST and with the specs it will do just fine.
Time to hit the feeds and then read a bit before hitting the sack. Till the morrow.