Another game down

By , January 26, 2008 9:20 pm

After a dripping wet start this morning it turned into a pretty good day. Had 18 or 19 playing for the first game anyway.

Tim did a good business with guns, bb’s and assorted batteries, magazines, and parts. Now to get the building cleaned out, stock shelved and the website finished. Maybe monday or tuesday.

Ended up cooking for the mob anyway. Keaton brought egg rolls and cooked them on site. I had cooked the deer stew last night and did some doctoring on it today after lunch and served it, along with cooking a couple of pans of cornbread to go with it. Boiled 30 hot dogs and had chips, pickles and assorted crackers. Not super fancy but was filling and much was consumed. No egg rolls were left! Good stuff!

We put it all up and I walked back to the camp then over and took the sign in then sat and started this. I am beat. Lot of stuff that went on that ain’t in here. Run here and there, soldered the catch back on a belt buckle, more running, cooking, fire building, still more running and cooking and then eating and board splitting and fire building. Long day done and done.

And now I am gonna call it a night and start again tomorrow. Till then…

Friday behind me

By , January 26, 2008 12:21 am

Got through it and actually got a few things done. Game tomorrow (today as I am writing this after the witching hour) so am gonna cut it short.

Got a bit more done on the site. Looking like first of the week to go line I think. Will see if I can get a few more things done between now and then with the game in the way.

Wondering how this ice storm or whatever is gonna affect the attendance and travel. If it is bad may have to start later.

Got deer and vegie stew cooking in the crock pot for eats for us tomorrow. Should be ready right around lunch. Cooked the steaks hot in the frying pan after a short milk soak and flour, salt and pepper dip. After they were done added water and made a gravy and added them and the gravy to the crock of diced veggies and water. hope it is as good as the last we had. Finished the last of it today.

Tis early morning and I got to get up early so will close. Till the morrow. Or later today as it were. Or something. 🙄 😉

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