Wednesday evening in the snow
Actually sleet and drizzle now, and ground temp is high enough that nothing is gonna stick for long anyway. But we ‘have’ had snow today for the first time in several years. Started while Bill, Cat, and I were at the scene of the last pine to go down cutting and splitting and loading firewood. Got pine (boo hiss! but it does give btu’s. Just a lot of crap in the flue too), oak, wild cherry, and elm. Snow and sleet got to coming down to the point the wood was getting wet so we finished loading it and unloaded it under the portable garage out the back door. Already had one load I cut, split and loaded on the top of the hill this morning.
Arms are quite sore from splitting the two truck loads of wood. Am gonna cut this short and will try to catch things up tomorrow morning. Till then… 😎