Slashdot | 12 Florida Schools Pass Anti-Evolution Resolutions

By , January 11, 2008 6:58 pm

Slashdot | 12 Florida Schools Pass Anti-Evolution Resolutions

Yep, those kids will be ready to go to college and then into the work place and get them one of those high paying jobs asking “Do you want to super size that?”… IDIOTS!

Bent bumpers n clean roll arounds

By , January 11, 2008 6:40 pm

Started the day with a bad case of the wanna go back to beds. Decided I needed to get out and at least try to do something so went to the YST (yard sale trailer) and started moving stuff around.

Got down to the battery charger and took it down to Tim’s truck and started the battery charging. Got the Pathfinder and took it to the barn and got the drill and mega battery and took them back to the YST and put them on the regulated charger.

Took one of the 120 volt porta power packs and set it up to charge too. Got two of them so figure I’ll see how long they will power the lights in the camper for off grid use. They won’t power the fridge or the microwave but lights and a bit of charge for the laptops will be enough for most times we will be needing them. I hope.

Bungie ball – Bungie ball
Use them for tying or attaching tarps or whatever to frames or whatever. 😉

Cleared out more stuff at the YST and then went to the barn and started trying to collect tools into their respective boxes/areas and began cleaning out and up my mechanics roll around. And that took several hours. Still just in the process but there is a fair assortment of tools in some order in the roll around now and it’s where it can be moved in and out of the barn.

In the middle of all this Bill came in from feeding the cows and chickens for the neighbor and I suggested that he bring his truck down so we could start on it. He brought it to the barn and we removed the bumper, grill, and drivers fender, along with numerous stuff that just had to move to get to other things. Got the front headlight mount surface straightened, then got a log about 8 inches in diameter and some chain, a big logging hook, a come-along, and a piece of angle iron. Put the angle iron behind the front metal above the frame and ran the chain through a existing hole and around the angle and back out. Hooked the come-along to the ends and drove the big hook into one end of the log. Put the other end of the log against the front of the frame and the other end of the come-along to the hook. Started racheting the cable in. Started to lift the log so Bill stood on it at the hook end. I braced the side and continued tightening and broke a link in the chain. Will get another newer, better chain and go again tomorrow. Looks like it will take enough of the crumple out to let the tire turn without rubbing and allow the headlight mount to be aligned right without much shimming.

Twas about dark so Bill left and I cut the compressor off. Valve working fine btw. 😎 Then to Tims truck and put the charger on trickle for the night. Went to the YST and cut all the chargers off (porta power showing full charge! Will see how it holds it over night as those gell cells are old. ) and locked up there and came in to eat. Did that and started on this really boring description of my day… 🙄

Seems like I should have gotten more done but the travel time from one place to the other is significant. Here to the barn is only 200 feet or so if we go out the front but about 500 if we go out the back. From the barn to the YST is about 800. YST to here is about 600 if we go out the back here and in the back there. 😯 A few trips and you have walked a mile or more.

Guess I am gonna see what the feeds have brought and then read a bit and call it a night. More tomorrow… 😉

Slashdot | National ID Cards Mandated in the US, If You’re Under 50

By , January 11, 2008 12:33 pm

Slashdot | National ID Cards Mandated in the US, If You’re Under 50

Well I ain’t planning on ever boarding another plane and I’m already over the big 5 0 so the DHS can kiss my arse! These folks are out of control and need to have a muzzle installed asap. 👿

The debate about the worth of podcasting (Scripting News)

By , January 11, 2008 11:52 am

The debate about the worth of podcasting (Scripting News)

There’s a mini-debate going on about whether podcasting is a success or worth it, or whatever, I’m not sure exactly what the issue is, but it’s framed this way –> if you can’t get advertisers to hitch a ride on your podcast then podcasting is not worth much if anything.

I’m having a slow Friday so far, it’s cloudy and chilly here in the Bay Area, we’re in the January doldrums, so I thought maybe I could liven things up a bit by saying both sides of this argument are full of shit wrong.

Let me explain.

My phone doesn’t have a business model. Neither does my porch. I still like having a phone and a porch because they help me meet new people and communicate with people I know. Same with my blog and podcast.

As usual Dave W brings up some good points and makes me think about things in ways I haven’t before. I really like the phone and porch comparison. 😆 I too would like to make a few bucks off my blog, just to pay the overhead of the website and maybe pay for a bit of my internet access but this blog and The Nero Wolfe site are just hobby sites for me unlike Too Many Books which is gonna (some day, maybe) be a business blog (???) or e-commerce site or something somewhere between the two.

Gonna have to cognate on this a while. Time to get back on my head, coffee breaks over. 😉

Tux Untangled: A Gateway Distro That’s Easy to Use

By , January 11, 2008 9:56 am

Tux Untangled: A Gateway Distro That’s Easy to Use

If the current trend of folks bringing laptops to the games and logging onto the network/internet continues I may have to try this out. Would entail getting another computer to do the job but guess that’s the price of fame.

From the article looks like it would be nice to use even with just us online.

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