And that was the game that was the day
Had a good turnout today at the game. Fielded at least 34 for the first part of the game. Lost several at midday break mostly due to broken guns, so I don’t know how many played the whole day. Had quite a few eat at days end. Had sausages and hot dogs, baked beans, slaw, chips, cheese, crackers, pickles, brownies and cookies. Most was consumed… 😯 😆 Gonna have to educate some of these folks about what potluck means as we ended up with the prep and cooking and greatest part of the food expense too. 😕 But it was a good day overall.
Hoping to get out and go to the flea markets on 431 tomorrow (Sunday) morning. Will see what the weather and bodies are like in the am and make the decision then.
Is raining just a tad here right now. Didn’t expect us to have any rain till sometime middle of the week. Guess I missed something. Just looked at the radar and it doesn’t look like it will be much or last long.
Just reloaded the firebox again. GOT to get started on building the new unit. Understand what you are talking about, Steve, but what I am looking at doing isn’t quite the same even though part of it is. The blower and heat transfer pathway is similar but where a radiator or heater core uses the constant water flow to make the transfer, the bells will be where the hot part of the flue gases rise to as the cooler combustion components flow below them and out of the dwelling. Got to get a drawing made of it and scanned in. Will try to do that either later tonight (yea right, I’m ready or past it for bed now) or more likely later tomorrow.
Also had to go back down to the field and get the chronometer and put it back inside when the rain started. Guess it’s another one of those things that needs to have a shelter of it’s own so it can just stay out there. Also has to have an external light source if the sun isn’t shining so a shelter with light would be ideal for any weather. Will have to look at that. As we have talked about putting in a permanent shooting range the addition of the chrono stand to one side wouldn’t be a bad idea. Guess I need to add that to the ever growing list of crap that needs doing. 🙄
Gonna call it a night.